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게시물ID : panic_51838짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 엄말콤
추천 : 27
조회수 : 4037회
댓글수 : 5개
등록시간 : 2013/07/03 11:52:07

BGM정보 : 브금저장소 - http://bgmstore.net/view/lZgDY


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GAZA BURIAL - World Press Photo of the Year, Spot News , 1st prize singles PAUL HANSEN
The bodies of two-year-old Suhaib Hijazi
and his elder brother Muhammad, almost four, are carried by their uncles to a mosque for their funeral, in Gaza City.

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INTERROGATION - Spot News , 2nd prize singles , Emin Ozmen
A man suspected of giving money to government informants is held at a school occupied by the dissident Free Syrian Army (FSA),
in the northern city of Aleppo.

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COLLABORATOR - Spot News , 3rd prize singles , Adel Hana
Palestinians drag the dead body of a suspected collaborator with Israel through the streets of Gaza City, on 20 November.

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WOUNDED BABY, ALEPPO - General News , 2nd prize singles , Sebastiano Tomada
A wounded child awaits treatment in one of the few hospitals left standing in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo, in October.

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SUDAN BORDER WARS - General News , 3rd prize singles , Dominic Nahr
A Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) soldier lies dead in a pool of oil next to a leaking oil facility in the town of Heglig,
after a clash with the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA).

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SYRIA UNDER SIEGE - General News , 1st prize stories , Alessio Romenzi
Ongoing conflict in Syria between troops and militia loyal to President Bashar al-Assad,
and dissidents of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and other rebel groups, led to escalating fatalities and a massive exodus of refugees.

AT THE DANDORA DUMP - Contemporary Issues , 1st prize singles , Micah Albert
A woman sits on bags of waste she has salvaged, at the Dandora municipal dump, outside Nairobi, Kenya.
She said that she enjoys looking at books, even industrial catalogues, as a break from picking up garbage.

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LIFE IN WAR - Contemporary Issues , 2nd prize stories , Majid Saeedi
The people of Afghanistan have had to deal with conflict and military occupation for much of the past 50 years.
Conflict and long-term instability in Afghanistan have led to personal trauma, and severe economic and infrastructural damage.

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SCHOOL FOR LESS FORTUNATE - Contemporary Issues , Honorable Mention stories , Altaf Qadri
A free school in New Delhi was founded by Rajesh Kumar Sharma (40),
who was unable to complete his own college education, because of financial difficulties.
Every day he takes two hours out to teach children of local laborers, while his brother replaces him at his general store.

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LITTLE SURVIVOR - Observed Portraits , 1st prize singles , Nemanja Pančić
Milan (4) leaves the hospital on 27 February, three months after surviving a family suicide attempt in which both his father and mother died.

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MISS MY PARENTS SO MUCH - Staged Portraits , 3rd prize stories , Fu Yongjun
The portrait series depicts children in the village of Zhangmu, Chongqing, in southwest China,
both alone and with a much-loved teacher Fu Huaying.

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MIMIN - Nature , 2nd prize singles , Ali Lutfi
A long-tailed macaque, wearing patchwork clothing and a doll’s head, performs in Solo, Central Java.

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VICTIMS OF FORCED LOVE - Observed Portraits , 1st prize stories , Ebrahim Noroozi
Somayeh Mehri (29) and Rana Afghanipour (3) are a mother and daughter living in Bam, southern Iran.
They were attacked with acid by Somayeh’s husband Amir.

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EL SALVADOR GANGS - Daily Life , 3rd prize stories , Tomas Munita
Large-scale gang warfare has made El Salvador one of the most violent countries in the Americas.
But on 9 March, leaders of the country’s two most powerful gangs agreed a truce, saying that the situation was getting out of hand, especially when it came to youth in their own communities.

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AT THE DINING HALL - Daily Life , 3rd prize singles , Jacob Ehrbahn
Every day, John McLean (65), visits the St Vincent de Paul Society Dining Hall, in Youngstown, Ohio.

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PEPPER SPRAY - General News , Honorable Mention singles , Ammar Awad
Israeli border police officers use pepper spray as they detain a Palestinian protestor during clashes after Friday prayers on Land Day, outside Damascus Gate in Jerusalem’s Old City.

명분이 움직이는 세상 속에
너무 많은 피와 희생이 필요한 건 아닌지 생각해본다.
하지만 그것도 잠시, 내가 신경쓸 일은 아니다.
나의 굴레는 다르니까.
내가 사는 이 세상은 특별하니까.
오늘도 그저 평화롭고 배부른 나의 하루가 지나간다.

사진출처 : http://www.worldpressphoto.org/
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