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간단한 문장 해석/구조 질문입니다~
게시물ID : english_6690짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : jisun
추천 : 0
조회수 : 412회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2013/04/27 00:55:36

It's not about hating Korean people. Most of us have had a mostly good experience with Korean people being friendly, but there are certain aspects that, when you are raised in America, Canada, the UK or other English speaking countries, it allows you a perspective that Korea is not just insular but it clings to being insular at all costs. Mainly, to avoid its citizens from even admitting that other cultures could be on to something when it comes to being progressive on the subjects we are discussing. It's a dazzling amount of self promotion to avoid the darker truths that permeate this society. America, on the flip side, has social problems of its own but we discuss them publicly. We brainstorm on how to reduce them. We strive to make them visible. Typical Korean thought is to ignore whatever you don't want to look at or confront.


밑줄 친 문장 해석/구조를 어떻게 봐야할까요? 

아.. 그리고 혹시, 몇몇 원어민이 쓴 글들을 보면, 두 칸씩 띄어쓰기를 할 때가 있던데, 예를들어, I am a boy.  I like playing soccer. 이런식으로 한 문장쓰고 두칸을 띄고 또 한 문장을 쓰던데.. 무슨 원리가 있는건가요? 

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