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전치사에 따른 의미의 차이??
게시물ID : english_5276짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 보랏빛호랭이
추천 : 0
조회수 : 540회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2012/08/17 14:21:40

요즘 전치사 관련된 책을 보고 있는데 제 머리로는 이해할수 없는 부분들이 많네요..

다음 문장들 중에 전치사로 인해 의미가 달라지거나 전치사의 쓰임이 잘못된 문장이 있나요??

He did his best by his family.

He did his best for his family.

They met several times with a view to marriage.

They met several times for a view to marriage.

You must not jump on the child.

You must not jump to the child.

Last year the company lost for its bicycles.

Last year the company lost on its bicycles.

The house is for sale.

The house is on sale.

He is tall with his age.

He is tall for his age.

Are you on the board of management?

Are you in the board of management?

He wrote a book on tigers.

He wrote a book about tigers.

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