Subject: 1. When were you born? 1. When were you born? 1) after 1991 (10) 2) 1991 - 1980 (20 - 29) 3) 1981 - 1960 (30 - 49) 4) 1961 - 1940 (50 - 69) 5) before 1941 (70~)
2. Do you think every man of all ages don't prefer taller girlfriend? 1) yes 2) no
3. How do you feel when see a man walking with taller girlfriend?
4. (If you choose Y at question 2) Why they don't prefer taller girlfriend? 1) Hurt pride 2) Conscious of the eyes of others (본인은 괜찮으나 타인의 시선이 좋지 않은 경우) 3) It's not look so good (본인이 보기 좋다 여기지 않는 경우) 4) Just hate. (그냥싫어) 5) Etc.(please write down what do you think)
5. (If you choose N at question 2) Which age group prefer taller girlfriend do you think even just a little bit more? 1) after 1991 (10) 2) 1991 - 1980 (20 - 29) 3) 1981 - 1960 (30 - 49) 4) 1961 - 1940 (50 - 69) 5) before 1941 (70~)
6. which tall size is suitable do you think? 1) small than 150 2) 151-155 3) 156-160 4) 161-165 5) 166-170 6) taller than 170