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★★★은퇴위기에 처한 배구선수 김연경선수를 도와주세요 !
게시물ID : humorbest_544291짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : ......?
추천 : 104
조회수 : 3323회
댓글수 : 2개
베스트 등록시간 : 2012/10/13 01:39:54
원본글 작성시간 : 2012/10/12 23:32:19

김연경"이대로라면 배구하기 싫다" 현역 은퇴염두


안녕하세요 . 배구갤러리에서 왔습니다.

다름이아니라 지금 세계적 배구선수 김연경 선수가 귀화 혹은 은퇴위기까지 왔습니다.
팬으로서 할 수 있는게 이런것밖에 없습니다 ..
FIVB와 FIVB 회장에게 트위터를 남겨주세요 !

FIVB회장 트윗 <U>@AryGraca</U>
FIVB트윗 <U>@FIVBVolleyball</U>

@FIVBVolleyball @AryGraca Do you intend to be retired the top player Kim?? Do the right thing! All volleyball fans want KIM becomes an FA. 

@FIVBVolleyball @AryGraca Let KIM Free !!

@FIVBVolleyball @AryGraca Plz reconsider about KIM's status. 

@FIVBVolleyball @AryGraca As a result Kim yeon-koung is considering retirement. How is this possible! l don't understand.

@FIVBVolleyball @AryGraca FIVB's recent recommendations regarding YK Kim are extremely unfair. I've never expected FIVB would be such a bystander.

@FIVBVolleyball @AryGraca Would you really want to disregard that the Korean club owner violates individual rights ? Pls reconsider your recommendations.

@FIVBVolleyball @AryGraca Can't accept FIVB answer based on agreement,signed under condition that will not be released until FIVB decide.

@FIVBVolleyball @AryGraca As a result Kim yeon-koung is considering retirement. How is this possible!

이중에 하나만 복사붙여넣기만하면 됩니다 ... 
조금만 도와주십시오..

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