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포니 모바일 게임?!?!
게시물ID : humorbest_544685짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 과자는칸초
추천 : 18
조회수 : 1182회
댓글수 : 19개
베스트 등록시간 : 2012/10/13 21:03:29
원본글 작성시간 : 2012/10/13 20:53:58

Along with all the comic stuff popping up, My Little Pony Project had a playable demo of the upcoming Gameloft game.  Apparently that screenshot from a while back was pretty accurate, from the sounds of it we will be seeing a city building style game, in the role of Twilight Sparkle.

Sara, one of the people that had a chance to play it, sent this in:

Played on an ipad tonight at the PonyProject preview.  She described it as a "Sims Style game" where you start as Twilight Sparkle and have to rebuild Ponyville and all the houses to add more characters.  There are currently 3 mini games aside from the main story of the game.  The Dash game is a mini game as well as the one I played which was literally just bouncing a ball with a random pony (I got BonBon).  The GameLoft people also said it will be available on Droid and Apple platforms and will be a free download from teh app stores with free downloadable content later on.  They also said it would not require internet access to play which was a relief for long plane trips and subway rides underground. :D
 Time to build some Ponyville!

Update: And Purple Tinker tossed a few tidbits of information about it too! It's after the break though due to length.

a) It will contain a large number of minigames, in a manner similar to-- but, I'm assured, different from-- the Wario games.
b) It will feature unlockable characters.
c) It will provide canon names for at least some characters previously named only in fanon. For instance, I saw the actual canon name of one of the Big Lebowski ponies from the bowling alley scene.
d) Character models are rendered, somewhat puzzlingly, in 3D. They look a bit different than we're used to, but the game is still in dev (I noticed at least one 'TEXT STRING MISSING' sort of error message) and this may change.
e) At least one of the games seems to have a rudimentary physics engine; it involves playing ball. (On the demo unit, the pony bouncing said ball was, of all ponies, Bon-Bon. I did not notice if she was named on screen or not; presumably not, due to IP issues with that name. However, as ponies are unlockable, presumably the player character will be able to play as any pony who has been unlocked.) At a cursory glance, the ponies' motion seems to be governed by a system of bones and vertices (think QWOP, but without all the falling-over and ridiculous difficulty), not merely pre-computed animation cycles. But that may simply be misremembrance.


영어 울렁증 있는 분을 위해 간단하게 요약하자면..
아이패드, 아이폰, 안드로이드 플랫폼으로 나올거고, 무료 제공될거며
안에는 미니게임이 포함되어 있고, 심즈와 비슷한 시뮬레이션 게임이 될 거라고 합니다.
타운 건설하는 흔한 소셜게임 인거 같은데... 미니 게임등을 통해서 캐릭을 언락하고 해당 캐릭을 소유 가능한 뭐 그런거 같네요..

전체문장 해석할 용의가 있는 용자를 소환한다!!
(전 계속 자막 수정하러 스슥...)

아...참고로 데일리이퀘스트리아에서 퍼왔슴다.
그림에 있는 주소는 현재 접속이 안되더군요.

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