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게시물ID : mystery_5492짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 아버지레드불
추천 : 1
조회수 : 6344회
댓글수 : 6개
등록시간 : 2015/02/08 12:52:51

본인은 이제 대학교 4학년인 남대생이다.

오늘자 아침에 알 수 없는 사람에게로부터 위와 같이 메일이 왔다.

스팸인가? 순간 고민한 나는 일단 의심부터 했다.

그리고 Assistance라는 단어를 보고 순간 IS그런 쪽에서 메일 보낸다는 생각이 들어 거기서 보낸건가 그생각도 했다.

궁금해진 나는 메일을 열어보았다. 메일 내용은 아래와 같다.


Dear Friend, 


How are you together with your family members? I think all is well. Though I did not know you in person or have i seen you before, but due to the reliable revelation, I decided to share this lucrative opportunity with you, I have no other choice, so kindly consider this message as vital, believing that sooner or later we will be multi-millionaires, First and foremost, I have to introduce myself to you. I am the foreign operations manager of our bank here in my country, Burkina Faso West Africa. i am married with four children.

I want you to assist me in other to transfer the sum into your reliable account as the business partner to our Foreign Business partner, the original owner of the fund. He was a foreigner and a multi company holder who died in a plane crash with his family years ago, he deposited the fund in our bank for his business expansion in Africa unfortunately he met this sudden and untimely death and the worst thing that happened was the wife who supposed to be the successor of the account died alongside with him. Since the deceased left no body behind to claim the fund, as a foreigner, you are in better position for that, and nobody will come for the claim after you have applied.

If you are ready to assist me, set up a new bank account or forward to me any one available so that the process will commence. I will guide you on how you should apply for the claim so that everything will be smooth and correct. After the transfer, i will resign and come over to your country for the sharing of the fund 50/50 base on the fact that it is two man businesses.


Finally, note that you are not taking any risk because there will be a legal back up as we commence. Further information will be given to you as soon as I receive your reply.

Your friend.

Mrs.Eshbeal Palin

정확한 내용은 모르겠지만, 당연히 알 수 있는건 내용은 나에 관한 내용은 하나도 없다.

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