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미국 FBI 테러단서 찾으려 호수 속 까지 뒤진다.
게시물ID : society_554짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : vidanova
추천 : 0
조회수 : 495회
댓글수 : 0개
등록시간 : 2015/12/11 15:52:49
샌버나디노 총기사건을 테러행위로 구정하고
범인들이 자주 갔던 호수를 무엇이든 단서될 만한 것을 찾고 있는 FBI
무엇을 찾는지 정해지지 않고 무엇이든 찾는단다...
대단한 FBI...
츌처 - http://artalicia.com/korjobs/39464
An FBI dive team was searching a lake Thursday near the site of the terror attack in San Bernardino, California -- a spot where investigators were told the shooters spent time.
The FBI would not discuss the specific evidence it was looking for, but said it was seeking "anything that had to do" with the shooting.
One official has told ABC News that investigators are searching Seccombe Lake Park as a precaution, to ensure that no evidence was missed.
“In the end we may come up with nothing," FBI Los Angeles branch Assistant Director David Bowdich said Thursday, adding that the search could take days. "We just don’t know yet.”
Bowdich added that there is no indication that anything in the lake poses a danger to the public.
The search comes after the FBI received information that the couple spent time at the pond, according to a senior official with knowledge of the investigation.
The dive teams are looking to see if they left or stored anything at the pond, the senior official said.

출처 http://artalicia.com/korjobs/39464
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