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데이빗고이어의 선택에 님들은 찬성임 반대임?(맨오브스틸스포)
게시물ID : movie_12202짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : ★RARE★
추천 : 0
조회수 : 979회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2013/06/18 18:43:16
이 름 ㅇㅇ조회수24968.5.***.***
제 목 (스포)놀란은 그 장면에 대해서 완전 반대했었다고함 (수정) 다음 요즘 트위터 미투데이 페이스북 싸이월드 C로그

“Killing Zod was a big thing and Chris Nolan, originally, said there’s no way you can do this,” Goyer told the magazine. “That was a change–originally Zod got sucked into the Phantom Zone along with the others and I just felt it was unsatisfying and so did Zack. We started questioning–we talked to some of the people at DC Comics and said, ‘Do you think there is ever a way that Superman would kill someone?’ And at first they said ‘No way, no way,’ and we said, ‘but what if he didn’t have a choice?’ Originally Chris didn’t even want to let us try to write it and Zack and I said, ‘We think we can figure out a way that you’ll buy it.’”

He said that after Zod’s purpose was taken from him, he was nothing but a killing machine, and there was really no putting him in jail and walking away. He compared Zod’s actions to “suicide by cop,” tying it back to the repeated use of “a good death is its own reward” in the movie. The warrior bred, Snyder said, felt that if Kal-El was capable of killing him, then that was an honorable way to go after having failed his people. He also said that in potential sequels, Superman having killed Zod will keep the audience from becoming complacent and thinking they know Superman’s limitations.

원래 조드도 팬텀존에 갇히는 결말이였는데 슈퍼맨이 누군가를 죽일 수있다면? 게다가 선택의 여지조차 없었다면?? 라고 고이어가 DC코믹스 사람들에게 질문해봤다고하네. 다들 말도 안 된다고 반대하는 분위기였고 특히 놀란은 그런거 시도도 하지말라고 엄청 반대했었다고함. 

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