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게시물ID : english_5687짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : E구역미친년
추천 : 1
조회수 : 434회
댓글수 : 19개
등록시간 : 2012/10/22 16:44:21

한국어도 못 들은 부분이 있으니,,, 들리면 꼭 써주세요 ㅠㅠ

수정 할 부분 말씀해주시면 감사하겠습니당

그때요. 수백명 봉사들이 궐문안에 들어가 앉았을 적

심봉사도 말석 참내를 하였겠다.

봉사들 거주성명을 차례로 물어올적

심봉사 앞을 당도하여 "봉사 거주성명이 무엇이오?"

Then, Hundreds of blind people are seated inside the palace gate.

Mr. Shim, lose his eyesight , also goes to the Palace at backseat.

Duty officers asked people's name and residence in turn. When reach to Mr. Shim.

"What's your name? and where live in?" 

"예, 내가 저~ 황주 도화동 사는 심학규라는 봉사요"

"심맹이 여기 계시다!"

어전 사령들이 달려들어, 심봉사를 모셔가니

심황후 물으시되 "거주성명이 무엇이며, 처자있나 물어보아라"

"Yes, I am Hakgyu Shim and live in there~ Dohwa, Hwangju. "

"Mr. Shim is here! "

Duty officers rush him, take at front of Empress.

Shim empress said, "Ask him the name, residence and family status"

심봉사 처자말만 들으면, 막~ 눈에서 눈물이 뚝.뚝뚝 떨어지며

"예, 소 맹인이 아뢰리다. 예, 아뢰리다. 예~ 소맹이 아뢰리다. 

He always wildly shed big drops of tears(dduk, dduk ) when heard the word 'family'.

"Yes sir, i do... yes. answer...  okay, i can.. "

소맹의 사업게는(?) 황주 도화동이 고토옵고,  성명은 심학규요. 을축년 정월따라 산후달로 산처고,

절 모르는 딸 자식을, 강보에 싸서 앉고, 

이집 저집을 다니면서 동냥젖을 얻어 맥여, 겨우겨우 길러내어. 

"My abode is Dohwa, Hwangju and name is Hakgyu Shim.

I held baby in swaddling clothes who is small that don't recognize me, 

I went around from door to door in order to beg mother's milk. 

So, I barely brought up a my daughter.

십여세가되었는데,  이름은 청이 옵고,  효행이 출천하여, 그 애가 밥을 빌어, 

she was about 12 years old. her name is Cheong. 

She was extremely devoted to me, so, begged rice from somebody.

그 큰 고생 지나갈제, 우연한 중을 만나,

공양미 삼백석을 부처님께 시주하면 소맹 두 눈을 뜬다 하니,

We lived through toilsome hardships, but it was pretty fine as the years roll by.

Then, I met monk by chance.

He said if I presented 300 bags of rice offered to Buddha, i would be eye-opener.

효성있는 내 딸 청이가, 삼백석을 공립하려

인당수 재수로 죽은지가 삼년이오~

눈도 뜨지 못하옵고, 자식만 팔아먹은 놈을 살려둬...  쓸 데 있오? 당장 목숨을 끊어 주오."

My daughter Cheong who is dutiful to me dearly.

It is 3 years since she killed herself by drowning in the Indang-su, in order to get 300 begs of rice for me. 

But i'm not yet have been opening eyes.

I am really stupid baddy sold my child. 

So, I'm a useless fellow.  just I'm nothing...... Isn't it? 

Kill me.... kill me right now... please.."

심황후 거동봐라. 이 말을 산호주들을 차버리고,  부친 앞으로 우르르르르르르

"아이고, 아버지~  "

심봉사 이 말을 듣고,

"아버지라니... 누가 나더러 아버지라고 하오? 나는 아들도 없고, 딸도 없소.

무남독녀 외동딸 하나, 물에 빠져 죽은지가 무금 삼년인데...  아버지라니 누구요?"

Look Shim empress behavior.

As soon as she heard his saying, kicks away wall made of seed corals between them. 

She runs at under his very nose. Woorurururururururu

"I-go~ (Oh~) Father~"

He heard this word,

"Father...?  how should you call me father..? 

I don't have son and daughter.

my only daughter, she dead before 3 years by drowning.

Father...? Who is you? "

"아이고, 아버지..... 여태 눈을 못뜨셨오...  아버지. 눈을떠서, 어서 나를 보옵소서.

인당수 풍랑중에 빠져죽던 청이가 살아서 여기왔소.  아버지 눈을떠서, 어서어서 소녀를 보옵소서 "

" I-go, My father.... Don't you still open eyes? Father. Open your eyes, Look at me, bitte. bitte bitte.

Cheong is here, was dying in the Indang-su but kept alive.

open your eyes, father. Look at your girl, bitte"

심봉사 이 말듣고,

"청이라니.. 청이라니???  응? 이게 웬 말이냐?  내가 죽어 숭을 들어왔느냐? 내가 지금 꿈을 꾸느냐?

죽고 없는 내 딸 심청, 여기가 어디라고 살아오다니.  웬말이여. 내 딸이면 어디 보자. 

아이고 가까워비라...

내가 눈이 있어야. 내 딸을 보지.  어디 어디 어디 내 딸 좀 보자~"

He heard,

"What? Cheong..? Are you Cheong?  What is mean?

Am I dead? Or Am I dreaming now?

My dead daughter Cheong Shim, How keep alive? why are you here?

how do you mean? if you were my daughter, i could check it. 

I-go.... such a pity. I should have my eyes, then i can see my girl. 

Let's see.... let's....... see..... Let's see my daughter."

두 눈을 끔적 끔적 끔적 끔적 끔적 거리더니.

눈을 번쩍!  떴구나.

His eyes are narrow blink, blink, blink, blink with closed.

Finally, Bunjjeok!    (mimetic word korean; opened eyes wide, synonym; twinkling)  


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