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와.. 천조국의 고객서비스 장난아니네요. meh.com 헤드셋
게시물ID : lol_569142짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : v남간v
추천 : 1
조회수 : 612회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2014/11/11 08:41:07
롤게에 누가 meh.com 에 레이져 채널2.2 헤드셋 사라고 홍보해주셔서 거기서 친구랑 제꺼 2개 주문했는데.
그쪽 실수로 하나를 잘못된거 보냈다고 해서 하나 다시 보냈는데 잘못온 헤드셋이 아마존 검색하니 89불임...
살때 개당 33불주고 삿는데..
2개 산것보다 잘못온게 더비싸네요.
잘못보낸건 그냥 쓰라네요 지내들잘못이라고...
천조국의 서비스 클라스를 보게 되네여.
그런데..ㅠㅠ 새로보낸 헤드셋 트래킹 넘버가 아직도 안떠서 ㅠㅠ
묶음배송을 못하고 있는게 현실..ㅠㅠ
전에 헤드셋 사라고 하셧던분 아이디가 기억이안나에요..ㅠㅠ 그게시물어디갔지..ㅠㅠ
메일 내용.
Hey there Mehtizen,
Good news. We hope.
Remember that Razer Tiamat 2.2 Gaming Headset you ordered from Meh? By now, you may have noticed that we sent you the wrong headset. Haven't gotten it yet? Well when it comes in it'll be the wrong one.
So here's the deal: we're still going to send you the right headset, and you can keep the wrong one. You deserve it after what we've put you through. And taking this punishment is the only way we're going to learn.
For more info and updates about this mess, check out the forum thread. The headset you originally ordered will be on its way shortly. We'll update your orders with the correct tracking info as soon as we have it.
In the meantime, do whatever you want with the other one. Use it. Trade it. Chop it for parts. Maybe wait a little while to sell it on eBay, though. There will probably be a glut of them soon.
Tell your friends: when you shop at Meh, you might just get lucky and have us fumble your order! SCORE!
Sorry for our mistake and the delay in getting you the right headset -
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