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검색하다 저하고 상황이 비슷해서 궁금하네요
some people are hyper sensitive to the natural mineral ions found in water, these are found more often in hard water (high calcium).
it occurs when the ions enter the body via the tear ducts and travel down the optic nerve to the hippocampus in the frontal cortex of the brain. in some people the over load of ions causes this center of the brain to slow down and mis func(션)왜 이게 필터링되죠? 펑션이 헐, its know as hypolatic intolerance common in caucasion people especially.
i'd recommend wearing a hat or goggles in the shower to prevent any water going in your eyes. also try changing your water supplier as this often has an effect for many sufferers. hope this helps :) love Borris