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영어 검토좀 부탁드려도 될까요...
게시물ID : english_7116짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 빅풋
추천 : 0
조회수 : 286회
댓글수 : 3개
등록시간 : 2013/07/18 02:11:01
공대생의 짧은 영어지식으로 쓰기에 너무 어렵네요....
대충 써놨는데 어색하거나 한 부분 좀 알려주세요... 마지막 문장은 제가 잘 못쓰겠어서ㅜㅜ 부탁드립니다
             We spend a lot of money for school tuition and daily expense. It is almost impossible to earn money alone for living in Korea. That's the reason why a number of university students economically and mentally rely on their parents too much. In Choongbook-Ilbo, it says "Albamon, which is specialized company in searching part time jobs, carried out a survey targeting 839 university students(men 467, women 372) about their independence. 12.3%(men 13.9%, women 10.2%) replied that they highly depend on their parents, 52.6%(men 49%, women 57%) said they depend on their parents to a certain extent, and only 35.1% of them replied that they are independent from their parents."(1) Korean university students who depend on their parents financially and mentally tend to live by their parents' will, not on theirs. According to Lee, Kyungmin's master's thesis targeting university students, the lower students' psychological independence level from their parents is, the more they are likely to have difficulty in deciding their future direction like choosing their career. It shows the correlation between psychological independence level from parents and future direction pendency.(2)It is very important to live their life by their will. If they live their life by their parents’ will, they would be unhappy. University students are adults, adults are determine their own lives, and to be responsible. If they live by their parents' will and they became unhappy, they blame their parents.Also their parents are become incapable to supporting them financially and mentally, they should be in panic. They don't know how to earn money, how to make a big decision, just they are in confusion.
One of possible solution is get a part-time job within vacation or year off and earn money to independent. Korean university students are familiar money and house that their parents offer. By working part-time job, they are qualified to independent financially, and they have sense of independence too.
Another solution is finding their ego themselves. There are many people who find their ego by meditation or voluntary work. 부모의 기대에서 벗어나, 진정 자기가 하고 싶은 것을 찾는다면 부모로부터 정신적으로 완벽하게 독립할 있을 것이다. 완벽한 자아를 확립하는 순간, 부모님의 의견이 아닌 자아실현이 나의 의사결정에 가장 영향을 미칠 것이다.
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