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[심즈3] 콩닥콩닥 캠퍼스 라이프 라이브챗 날짜 떴네요
게시물ID : gametalk_58861짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 모모아이
추천 : 3
조회수 : 1212회
댓글수 : 3개
등록시간 : 2013/02/27 23:52:35

3월 1일 오전 10시

(한국 기준 3월 2일 오전 12시)

발매일이 다가오니 새로운 정보도 떴습니다.

Building in The Sims 3 University Life 
Along with all of the amazing gameplay and new objects, The Sims 3 University Life adds several new options for builders to use, mainly in the form of new lot types. These new lot types allow for a huge range of buildings, from dorms to hangouts. Here’s a brief run-down on all of the new tools for you amazing builders out there!

Let’s start with dorms, sorority and fraternity houses. In The Sims 3 University Life world, players can build their own dorms. The sky is the limit as you make a place for your Sims to call home during their stay at university. With the new roommate fun.ctionality, Sims will automatically occupy dorms to act as roommates for your household (or you can make and move your own roommates into your dorm via edit town). A dorm can hold up to eight Sims, including your household. Sororities and fraternities act very similarly to dorms and follow most of the same rules. The big difference for these lots is that they are not co-ed – sororities will automatically search for female roommates and fraternities for male roommates. These lot types also have a little bit more of a party atmosphere than regular dorms – juice keggers and dares will happen here more frequently. By the way, dorms, sororities and fraternities are free for Sims to live in while at university!

While dorms are specific to the university world, there are tons of new lot options available for your home worlds as well. With the new social groups come new places for these like-minded Sims to gather. Build your own Rebel hangout where Rebels can relax and graffiti the walls to their hearts content. The Arcade is the place for competitive Jocks. This lot type encourages Sims to play all kinds of games from bowling to pool. And of course, every Nerd needs a Nerd Shop. Place a Roentgen Register in your Nerd Shop to allow your Sims to buy and sell comics! Sims of all types will love the Java Hut – which would not be complete without the new Quick Croissants Coffee Bar. Watch as the barista serves up new food types like bagels and brownies or new organic brews from harvestable coffee beans!

Another option for builders to enjoy in home worlds is the new Apartment lot. Similar to dorms, once you build this lot, the game will automatically pull Sims in to be roommates. Like dormmates, these roommates are not part of your active household, and you can use the new bed and door lock options to set aside areas of the apartment for each roommate to use exclusively. Apartments differ from regular houses. Instead of buying the lot completely when you move in, your Sims will pay rent each week just like paying bills. The rent cost is determined by the overall value of the lot.

식물 심

많이 알고 계시겠지만, 심즈3 콩닥콩닥 캠퍼스 라이프의 새로운 종족은… 식물 심 입니다!

식물 심들은 식물들과의 특별한 관계를 갖고 있으며 재배가 가능한 식물들과 대화가 가능합니다.

(주석 : 안 된다고 하더니 되나보네요...?)

식물 심들은 특별하고 평범한 심들과 다른 것이 필요합니다. 그 예로 그들은 허기를 채울 필요가 없지만, 광합성을 해야합니다. 그들의 수분을 유지하여 말라죽는 것을 예방하세요, 식물 심들은 물을 흡수합니다. 그들은 물 흡수를 수영, 목욕, 웅덩이 흡수와 광합성을 통해 물을 흡수할 수 있습니다!

식물 심들은 특별한 방법으로 다른 심들과 관계를 가집니다. 꽃 키스는 심들을 사로잡고 악취 키스는 다른 심들을 아프게 합니다, 우웩!

식물 심을 당신의 가족에 추가하는 건 많은 방법들이 있습니다. 도시에서 식물 심을 만날 수도 있고 (매우 드뭄), 실험체로 자원할 만큼 용감한 심들은 the Busche School에서 잎이 무성해지는 효과를 받을 수 있습니다. 제가 제일 좋아하는 방법은 당연히 하나 길러내는거죠! 금지된 과일을 심게 되면 식물 심으로 성장하게 될 것입니다.

웃긴 사실들
Since this is my last blog before The Sims 3 University Life launches on March 5, I thought it would be fun to end with a random assortment of fun facts and info about the game. 

I can’t wait until the game launches! 이 확장팩 was so much fun to make, and I love all of the great questions, comments, and ideas everyone has posted for us. The Sims 3 fans are amazing! Thank you, and I hope you enjoy The Sims 3 University Life.

Brittany Henry, Associate Producer, The Sims 3 University Life 

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