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FIFA 에 전범기 사용에 대해서 문제 제기했는데요
게시물ID : soccer_76706짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 그냥그랭
추천 : 1
조회수 : 356회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2013/07/28 21:07:13
During this year's East Asian Football Federation's East Asian Cup, I have witnessed the display of the Rising Sun Flag of Japan in the stands. This use of flag by the Japanese fans have been on going for quite some time and I'm disappointed that no measure was taken to put an end to this abominable and disgusting act. It seems the Japanese fans insist on displaying the hideous flag of the former Imperialistic Japan in nearly every international football match. I understand that FIFA does not tolerate any kind of political message displayed during a football match. This matter also involves an outrageous display of a flag of a former war criminal nation.  I hope to see some action from FIFA regarding this horrible act and to prevent further display of political messages during matches, especially criminal political messages.

이렇게 썼는데 혹시 이런거 보내보신적 있으신분 계십니까? 답장이 오나요? 
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