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Melee - The War
게시물ID : music_59318짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 가나다시마
추천 : 0
조회수 : 167회
댓글수 : 0개
등록시간 : 2013/01/07 20:22:20

It's so soft to the see the glow from the city up ahead

Connect my heart to the rhythm it's lead

Straight forward and ready 'cause I'm on my way home

It's so good to be alive in such a hazardous world

To be alive and see the victory unfurled

I'm anxious and waiting 'cause I'm on my way home

Yeah, your war is won oh my friend your're finally done

On that day you'll find ambitions don't lie here anymore

The one you love has gone and settled the score

What more could you ask for now

It's so good to be alive in such a wonderful year

To be alive and see the end of your fear

With peace in your ear 'cause you're on your way home

And all this time we walk the line through pain and giving in to you

But now it's gone so we'll move on and know that this is not the end

On that simple night when we've all lost our sight

You believed in what I said

From those cursed beginnings to those blessed ends

In between we've found our way to live

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