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게시물ID : panic_54262짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : vze2744me
추천 : 22
조회수 : 5929회
댓글수 : 44개
등록시간 : 2013/08/01 01:03:15

A paralyzed man from Arkansas woke up to find his dog eating one of his testicles.

The 39-year-old, who has no feeling from the waist down and sleeps in the nude, opened his eyes on Monday morning to see his fluffy pet pooch between his legs.

With blood on its muzzle and front paws, he noticed the pup was chowing down on something chewy.

Moments later, and to his horror, he realized the dog was in fact eating his gonad.

He called paramedics to his Trumann home and he was rushed him to hospital, where he is now recovering.

 reports the dog was a stray that he had taken in just three weeks earlier.

Cops took the dog to a local vet, who put down. The dog's head was sent to the Arkansas Department of Health to be tested for rabies.


간단 요약:

하반신 마비인 39세 남자가 있습.. 누드로 잠
자다가 깨보니 다리사이에서 뭘 먹고있슴.... 남자 가랑이와 개 입 주위가 피투성이...ㅠㅠ
확인해보니 X알이 없슴.... (악...상상만 해도)
앰뷸런스타고 병원가서 치료중...개는 안락사
조사해보니 3주전에 남자가 길거리에서 주서온 개....

함부로 동물 대려오지 마시기들... ㅠㅠ

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