id wasn't outclassed. Bjergsen won lane until Faker got 4 kills gifted to him페이커가 4킬을 선물받기 전까지는 비역슨이 이기고 있었어 -Gifted? Is that what we are calling roaming now? Faker earned those kills.-선물이라고? 요즘은 로밍을 선물이라 하는건가????? 페이커는 그킬들을 만들어 낸거야Bjergsen hit 6 faster because Faker went to stop Dyrus from escaping from marin/bengi and then used his ult to blow faker out of lane. Then Dyrus came in a few seconds later and baited out his ult so of course he was slightly losing in cs. Before that they were pretty much even on cs so no Bjergsen was never really winning lane.페이커가 다이러스 잡으러 갔을때 경험치손실이 있어서 비역슨이 선6렙 찍어서 그걸로 이긴거야 그리고 다이러스가 압박줬을때 씨에스손실도 좀 있었지. 그전까지 비역슨 꽤 심하게 지고있었어. 비역슨은 라인전을 사실 이긴적이 없어.He was losing pretty badly until faker roamed to cut off dyrus. Bjerg was down like 10 cs and down in health by 5 min. He did a great job of bouncing back though. 1v1 no pressure faker won though페이커가 로밍가기 전까지 비역슨은 꽤 심하게 지고 있었어. 비역슨이 cs10개정도나 밀려있었고 hp도 낮았지 5분정도까지 근데 그래도 그 차이 잘 따라 잡은거야. 순수 1대1 이었으면 페이커가 이겼어
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