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게시물ID : english_7357짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : Vetology
추천 : 2
조회수 : 621회
댓글수 : 12개
등록시간 : 2013/09/02 20:21:07
첨삭도 비싸고 해서, 여기 오유분들중에 잘하시는 분들이 계신 것 같아서 부탁드립니다!
문법적오류나, 어색한부분이 있으면 바로 지적해주십시오^^
주제는 정부가 예술에 투자해야할까 다른 분야에 투자해야할까 입니다.

As society has been evolved incessantly, the old conundrum of whether government should support art
or other practical system like social safety net has been issued in our community. For example, 
firefighters and police officers are putting their lives into risks while Art could make our culture more abundant, 
which dominates our minds. Which one is more needy for helps? For public cause, government must help 
our ordinary heroes first, and then endorse artists

Most fire fighters and police officers are rescuing many innocent victims, who are our family and neighbors.
However, in many missions, some of them are killed in action because of mediocre
instruments for protecting themselves. Furthermore, when they are dead, the governmental compensation for 
remaining family members are not sufficient to make their ends meet. In a result, not enough future generation
want to sacrifice for others so that our social safety system could be collapsed. Therefore, lending a helping our 
heroes should come first.

While these heroes make our society more safe, art should play important roles for enriching our society
because sound minds guide sound communities that everyone are craving for. For example, music not only
makes outlet for easing the tension of modern people from their daily life, but also treats ill-people. 
In fact, many autism patients could enjoy musics and some of them are having a conversation through music.
Suffice it to say that arts are also important secondary components of sound society.

Finally, mind bodies comes first, and then sound mind comes second. After, transforming our society into
much more safe and secured by the investments of social safety nets for the marginalized, and then government
can provide subsidies for arts. Throughout this approaching,  government guarantees the security for its people 
as well as enriched social life for them.  
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