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역학에 능통한 분들 해석좀 해주세요
게시물ID : science_23981짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 볶은다리제프
추천 : 0
조회수 : 389회
댓글수 : 4개
등록시간 : 2013/09/09 21:32:59
1. Two solid cylindrical rods AB and BC are welded together at B and loaded as shown, knowing that d1 = 50 mm and d2 = 30mm, find the average nomal stress at the midsection of (a) rod AB, (b) rod BC.
2. Two solid cylindrical rods AB and BC are welded together at B and loaded as shown knowing that the average nomal stress must not exceed 140Mpa in either rod, determine the smallest allow - able values of D1 and D2
3. The wooden members A and B are to joined by plywood splice plates that will be fully glued on the surface in contact . As part of the design of the joint , and knowing that the clearance between the ends of the members is to be 8 mm, determine the smallest allowable length L if the average shearing stress in the glue is not to exceed
800 Kpa.
4. Determine the diameter of the larest circular hole that can be punched into a sheet of polystyrene 6 mm thick, knowing that the force exerted by the punch is 45kN and that a 55 -Mpa average shearing stress is required to cause the material to fail
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