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게시물ID : minecraft_6279짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 이름이길데
추천 : 0
조회수 : 717회
댓글수 : 5개
등록시간 : 2011/12/08 23:42:32
balea 팩에다가 GLSL SHADERS로 Bump Mapping 적용 한건데 아무래도 specular 맵핑을 안해서 3d 로 안보였는지 ... 암튼 영상을 찍었는데 실수로 초당 2프레임에다가 하프사이즈해서 영상이 저질 ㅋ 보통 초당 30프레임으로 찍고 인코딩하는데 ㅋ 개망 ㅋ ㅠㅠ 권장사양 이나 적용법 설명이 상세해서 좋았네요. 다음에 다시 올릴게요. ㅠㅠ 적용후 로딩이 엄청느려지고 1920*1080 풀스크린 으로 하면 20~30프레임정도 나왔습니다 안티 4x 먹이고요. 권장사양은 적고 가겠습니다.


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Compatible GPU'sEdit


Compatible Desktop CardsEdit

Card Name: Additional Info:

GTX560 Ti 1GB

Gigabyte OC version. Very smooth.

GTX460 768MB

This is the Gainward 768MB version.

GTX460 1GB

This is the MSI Hawk version. Asus works too.

GTX460 2GB

This is Palit 2GB Version

GTX285 1GB

Works fine for me (100 fps with Optifine)

GTX260 1GB

Inno3D Version works fine with(out) optifine
EVGA Superclocked GTX 570 1 GB all GTX 5XX
Gigabyte nVidia GeForce 9600 GT 512 MB

NVIDIA GeForce 8600m GT

NVIDIA GeForce GT130

Compatible Laptop ChipsEdit

Chip Name: Additional Info:
nVidia GeForce 310m (On 1366 x 768) With fancy graphics and Smooth lighting it hits approx. 15 fps. With fast graphics and no smooth lighting it hist about 30 fps.
nVidia GeForce 540m (On 1366 x 768) With fancy graphics and Smooth lighting it hits approx. 50 fps.
nVidia GeForce 560M Works Perfectly with over 50 FPS on maxed out settings.

Compatible ATi GPU'sEdit

Desktop Cards:Edit

Card Name: Additional Info:
HD 5770 no problems. framerate: 40-50 fps with Balea texturepack.
HD 5850 very smooth even in Eyefinity with 128x Pack and 6gb Ram
HD 4350 Not recommended to use, but it does work. Performace isn't good.
HD 6870 Works great no porblems so far
HD 3600 Seems to have low FPS(22fps - 20fps with lag spikes) with 1MB allocated to Minecraft or this is just me? Works though.



Slow, but works with no errors at all. Tested with XFX 1Gb.
HD 6950 Works good >50 fps with 256x Texture Pack

Laptop ChipsEdit

Chip Name: Additional Info:

ATi Radeon Mobility HD 5650

Works perfectly, with an average of 30 fps on max settings and no texture packs.
ATi Radeon Mobility HD 5145 Works properly, although framerates can get down to 15 fps works fine in a smaller window at about 45+ fps

Compatible Intel ChipsetsEdit

Chipset Name: Additional Info:
i3, i5 and i7

seems to be working, (but large fps decrease)

Incompatible GPU'sEdit

Incompatible nVidia GPU'sEdit

Desktop CardsEdit

Card Name: Additional Info:

Laptop ChipsEdit

Chip Name: Additional Info:

Incompatible ATi GPU'sEdit

Desktop Cards:Edit

Card Name: Additional Info:
ATI Radeon HD 4350

Runs all lowest at 5fps. Very Poor compared to the

45fps on the 1.7.3 version of glsl shaders.

Laptop ChipsEdit

Chip Name: Additional Info:

Incompatible Intel ChipsetsEdit

Chipset Name: Additional Info:
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