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게시물ID : english_7490짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : Vetology
추천 : 0
조회수 : 241회
댓글수 : 3개
등록시간 : 2013/10/02 19:31:08
언어천재님 오랜만이네요 넘 오랜만에 올리지만 한번봐주시면 감사하겠습니다.
저번 마지막 주제 폭풍 조언듣고 다시 씁니다. 이전꺼 너무 오래전이라.. 못보실까봐 ㅎㅎ
고등교육을 모든학생에게 개방해야 하나 아니면 일부에게만 개방해야 하나에 대한 글입니다.
최대한 디테일을 찾아보려고 했어요. 쉽지는 않네요 ㅠㅠ
까주세요 ㅠㅠ 노력하겠습니다

Thanks in advance! 

With modernized technology leading our society forward, the importance of raising students with higher knowledge is more necessary than ever before. It is therefore the debate about how broad availability of higher education for students is needed has been intensified in our community. Though, the debate seems to be far away from final agreement, in my stand point, I am firmly supporting higher education opens wide for all students.

First of all, the wide availability of higher education guarantees students right for demanding higher education since they have fulfilled duties of a country in many ways. For example, everyone is paying taxes in various ways. When they buy products, they should pay for pricees including value added tax abbreviated as VAT. In addition to this, when they make money, they should pay the individual income tax. These taxes are chiefly used to support social infrastructure like roads, medicare system and also education system. Especially, because universities should employ pioneering faculty and run laboratories to maitain high quality, they have soaked up huge amount of governmental capital consisted of taxes. Therefore, goverment should keep university avaliability wide in the return for obligations every student is carrying out.

On top of that, widening the entry of university saves extra expenditures and time of students. The competitions getting into university are so intense that many students have failed to reach enough score for the admission of universities. Most of them have consumed extra times and hundreds of billions of won in order to study same subjects again, which are burdens for not only themselves but also their parents. Once, the availability of university gets increased, which means no more competitions for university admission, students will no longer wasting their invaluable time and money in order to just win the meaningless race.

To conclude, the education availability should be kept to be wide for everyone. This not only warrants students right after following obligations but also lessens excessive expenditures and time for learning highschool subjects again.  
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