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미 언론 오이엔 박근혜 스캔들 폭로 보도 했다고 합니다
게시물ID : humorbest_641239짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 일침
추천 : 68
조회수 : 6777회
댓글수 : 6개
베스트 등록시간 : 2013/03/06 17:08:37
원본글 작성시간 : 2013/03/06 12:52:11

 * 80가까운 조웅 목사님 수감 후의 신변이 너무 궁금하고  답답해

혹시나 새로운 소식있을까 인터넷을 검색했더니 다음 문건이 있어 올립니다.



美언론 OEN, '박근혜 스캔들 폭로' 보도

'조웅 목사 구속, 대통령에 당선되자 불법과 테러 행위하고 있어'

[서울 플러스코리아]이형주 기자= 박근혜 대통령의 스캔들을 폭로하다 명예훼손 혐의로 지난달 23일 구속된 조웅(본명 조병걸. 79세) 목사에 대해 미국 인터넷신문 OEN(http://www.opednews.com/articles/1/Rev-Cho-exposes-S-Korean-by-heong-ju-yoo-130302-579.html )에서 3월 2일 심도 있게 다뤄 파장이 예상된다.

OEN은 “한국에서 매우 심각한 사건이 발생했다”면서 조 목사가 인터넷방송 아프리카TV매체에서 박 대통령의 스캔들을 폭로하는 생방송을 진행하다 수사관들에 의해 불법체포 됐다고 보도했다. 

이 신문은 조 목사가 1961년 5.16 군사쿠데타와 중앙정보부 창설에 가담했으나, 박정희에게 속았다는 것을 알고 후회하고 있다는점을 부각시키며 박정희 전 대통령의 비리와 그의 딸인 박근혜 대통령의 스캔들을 폭로했다고 전했다.

특히 “박근혜가 대통령에 취임했지만 많은 국민이 박근혜를 대통령으로 인정하지 않는다.”면서 조 목사가 박근혜 대통령 취임을 하는 것만은 막아야겠다는 일념으로 목숨을 걸고 그의 추잡한 비리를 폭로하다 붙잡혀 갔다는 점을 부각시켰다. 

또한 이 신문은 “박근혜는 뭐가 두려워 조목사를 극악한 범죄자처럼 긴급 체포한 것인가?”라고 묻고, 명예훼손으로 고소한지 2일만에 검찰이 체포하고 체포한지 1일만에 구속영장을 청구하여 구속했다며 “허위사실에 의한 명예훼손으로 검찰이 조 목사를 기소하려면 먼저 허위사실임을 입증해야한다. 허위 사실을 입증하기 위해 조사를 해야 한다. CIA 제보가 맞는지, 스위스60억 달러, 낙태, 마약 검사등의 조사를 해야 한다. 그러나 검찰은 조사하지 않았다. 조 목사의 증언이 허위사실임을 입증하지 않았다.”며 “박근혜가 대통령으로 당선되자 마자 불법과 테러를 행하고 있다”고 전하고 있다. 

이 신문은 조 목사가 폭로한 내용을 싣고 있다. ▲15년간 박근혜가 최태민과의 불륜을 저질렀다. ▲최태민 사망후 최태민의 사위인 정윤회와 16년째 불륜관계이다. ▲박근혜는 두번의 낙태를 했다. ▲박근혜는 오랫동안 마약을 했다. ▲북한에 가서 박근혜가 김정일에게 500억원(미화 4500만달러)을 주었다.(CIA 제보) 

▲박근혜와 김정일이 동침을 했다.(CIA 제보. 중국 언론이 박근혜가 김정일의 네번째 부이이라고 보도. 북한에 방북했을 때 박근혜와 김정일이 4시간 30분동안 대화했고 마약이 섞인 백두산 삼독주를 마시고 김정일과 동침했다고 주장했다.) ▲박근혜 아버지 박정희가 월남 참전의 장병들의 피 값 60억불을 스위스 은행에 예금했으며 지금도 유효하다고 밝히고, 조 목사의 두 차례에 걸쳐 제작된 동영상(폭로내용)이 급속하게 퍼져 3일만에 40만가까이 조회수를 기록하고 있다고 전했다. 

조 목사의 '박근혜 스캔들' 폭로에 대해 동영상을 제작해 인터넷에 게재한 ‘안단테 사랑(아프리카TV 제작자)’이 자칭 보수단체라고 하는 ‘자유청년연합’과 ‘나라사랑시민연대’에 의해 고발 됐고, 이 동영상을 유포한 사람들에 대한 조사여부를 고려하고 있다는 상황에서 조 목사와 동영상 제작자, 이를 유포한 불특정 다수에 대한 검찰의 수사가 어디까지 진행될지 초미의 관심사로 대두되고 있다.

다음은 OEN에서 “조 목사 한국 대통령 스캔들 폭로하고 불법체포 당하다”라는 제목으로 보도한 기사 전문이다.

Rev. Cho exposes S.Korean President's scandals, being arrested illegally
OpEdNews Op Eds 3/2/2013 at 17:55:57 Become a Fan

A very serious event happened in S. Korea. Rev. Woong Cho had an interview with a reporter, disclosing dirty and serious scandalous affairs that Geun-hae Park committed. The interview was broadcast live. Many Koreans were watching the live broadcasting. Then some policemen burst into entering the room to arrest Rev. Cho illegally. 

Pastor Woong Cho is 79 years old. When he was a college student, he participated in the 5.16 coup of Jung-hee Park. Later, when he realized that he was deceived by Jung-hee Park and the coup was wrong, he regretted of this participation of his. And he exposed dirty and serious scandals of Jung-hee Park. 

Ms. Park was inaugurated as president. But many Koreans don't recognize her presidency. The reason is that the recent Korean presidential election was rigged. As her father, Jung-hee Park, did, she pulled a coup by rigging the election. With a sole intention of his to prevent Ms. Park from being inaugurated as President, Pastor Woong Cho had disclosed indecent scandals of Geun-hae Park. 

The brief summary of Pastor Cho's disclosure is as follows. 

*Ms.Park had immoral intimacy with Tae-min Choi 15 years. 
*After Tae-min Choi's death, she had immoral intimacy with Yoon-hoe Chung, a son-in-law of Tae-min Choi 16 years. Ms. Park had two abortions. 
*Yoon-hoe Chung exercises authority by pulling the wires from behind Ms. Park. 
*Ms. Park has used narcotics for many years. 
*Ms. Park went to North Korea to give Jung-il Kim fifty million dollars. Ms. Park and Jung-il Kim slept together (according to an intelligence of CIA). 
*Ms. Park's father deposited in a Swiss bank six billion dollars, the price of the blood that Korean soldiers shed in the Vietnam war. The six billion dollars are still in the Swiss bank. 

There are many more wrongs Ms. Park did. Many her wrongs other than sleeping with Jung-il Kim are open secret. Pastor Cho disclosed many her wrongs through live Internet broadcasting over two periods. The Youtube video of the disclosure spread out fast. The number of inquiring into the video during three days reached 400,000. 

The third interview was done on February 21. Many Koreans were watching the live broadcasting with much concern. Then policemen burst into entering the interview room. They showed him the bill of indictment and arrested him with his hands handcuffed. The bill of indictment is a defamation based on falsehood. If the prosecution intends to charge Pastor Cho with libel based on alleged evidence, it has to prove its alleged evidence is true. It has to investigate to prove the alleged evidence. It has to investigate the relevant intelligence of CIA, the six thousand million dollars in the Swiss bank, the abortions, and the drug use. But the prosecution has not made such investigation. It hasn't proved Pastor Cho's testimony is false. So the arrest of Pastor Cho is illegal. No matter how absurd this supposition would be, let's just suppose that Pastor Cho defamed Ms. Park. Is the defamation capable of having the pastor arrested urgently, his hands handcuffed, while the pastor is having the TV interview in live broadcasting? The prosecution requested the arrest warrant just a day after the arrest. Many Koreans reported Myung-park Lee and Ms. Park to the authorities. But the prosecution did not investigate. But just one day after the report against Pastor Cho was made, the pastor was arrested and the prosecution requested the arrest warrant one day after the arrest. This is the current situation of Korea. 

Listen to me, Geun-hae Park: what of Pastor Cho caused you to be afraid of Pastor Cho and to have the pastor arrested illegally? This arrest is not just illegal violation against Pastor Cho alone. It is a terror against the Korean people watching TV. It is a war declared against the Korean. Jung-hee Park is a dictator who terrorized the Korean. Ms. Park being the First Lady, together with Jung-hee Park, terrorized the Korean. As soon as Ms. Park was elected President, she started to violate law and strike terror. Far from being put into prison, Ms. Park, being the daughter of the dictator, lived in splendor with the stolen goods her father robbed of. And then she robbed of presidency by the election rigging. Even presidency is a stolen goods to her. 

Ms. Park's being inaugurated is the worst of all shames and tragedies in Korean history. Moreover, she started to terrorize the people. She declared a war against the people. The people are sure to bring down from presidency Ms. Park who pulled a coup by election fraud. The election fraud, the spy agency meddling in the presidential election, and the illegal arrest of Pastor Cho are enough for not anymore considering Korea democracy. The Korean government is despotic. Many Koreans are fighting against the despotism in order to regain democracy. A movement of a second 4.19 revolution (a civil revolution that rose against the despotism in order to regain democracy in Korea) is getting large, intending to fight against the despotism and regain democracy. Korea is sure to overthrow the despotism and regain democracy by a second 4.19 revolution.

My beloved Koreans! Let's carry out a second 4.19-Revolution by the name of and the power of the people.

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