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<이 문자가 보이시나요?(애플 로고 유니코드 적는법)
게시물ID : iphone_22755짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 맥북에어
추천 : 4
조회수 : 5621회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2013/10/05 01:15:03
제 아이폰 하단 좌우측에 보시면 iPhone,iPod이 사과사이에 있죠.
 <<이 문자에요.(매킨토시 계열의 운영체제 에서만 보여요:OSX,iOS)
윈도우 계열의 운영체제에서는 문자 없음 표시의 직사각형이 뜰거에요.(물론, 폰트가 저 모양으로 되어있다면, 보일수도 있겠지만, 아직 그런 폰트가 있는지 모르겠네요.)
솔라리스나 운분투 등 다른 유닉스 계열에서도 아마 안보일거에요(정확히는 모르겠네요 ㅎ)

매킨토시의 문자보기 윈도우의 문자정보:
유니코드: U+F8FF, UTF-8: EF A3 BF

사과모양 코드를 복사,붙여넣기 하시거나, 위 유니코드를 html코드로 적은후 보시면 애플 로고모양 코드가 찍혀나와요.

애플 로고 외에도 애플 키보드에 쓰이는 코드도 있어요.

The Apple Logo in Unicode

Please avoid using it on the web

Some people have noticed, and begun using, the unicode values for the Apple Logo.

This is probably fine for Mac-only applications. But it is NOT appropriate, and even WRONG, and it will NOT work properly as a general web page character. The problem is that the unicode value used is one of several that is set aside for private use. That means that each operating system, or application, or implementation is free to use those unicode characters for anything they want. It just so happens that Apple has chosen to use unicode character U+F8FF (decimal value 63743, or on the web as either &#xF8FF; or &#63743;) as the Apple Logo. But some Windows fonts put in a Windows logo. And some other fonts put in a Klingon Mummification glyph. Or elven script. Or anything they want. And if it isn't defined in your local font, you'll just see a square. So who knows what you might see when I put the character in right here: 

Yes, on a Mac, you probably see an actual Apple Logo. But on other systems, you probably see other things. So what is it good for? You can use it on Mac-only programs, and it'll probably work fine (especially if the application explicitly sets the font to one where you know this character is defined as the Apple Logo). You can even use it on Mac-only web pages if you are absolutely sure that you don't care if it is wrong on non-Mac browsers.

But you can not claim surprise when people say they see a Windows Logo on your Apple web-page.

Slightly More Useful Mac characters

Unicode does define some other characters which are sort of Mac-specific.

- &#x2318; - &#8984; - the Command Key symbol
- &#x2325; - &#8997; - the Option Key symbol
- &#x21E7; - &#8679; - the Shift Key (really just an outline up-arrow, not Mac-specific)
- &#x238B; - &#9099; - the Escape Key (also not Mac-specific; described as "BROKEN CIRCLE WITH NORTHWEST ARROW", or an escape character from ISO 9995-7). I originally thought this was supposed to be a symbol for the power button.

And while we're at it, some related (not mac-specific):
- &#x21E5; - &#8677; - the Tab Key symbol
⏎ - &#x23CE; - &#9166; - the Return Key symbol
- &#x232B; - &#9003; - the 딜리트(영문으로 적으니 오류가 나네요 ㅡㅡ;) Key symbol
- &#x233D; - &#9021; - a possible substitute for the Power symbol

Even though these are defined in standard Unicode, there is no guarantee that they will exist in the font of the receiving browser, but they're at least globally defined, so they're fair game.

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