Michael in his new van on his trip going back home! #TeamMightyMichael pic.twitter.com/l68KbDywjT
— Team Michael Morones (@MichaelMorones) April 9, 2014After a long stay in the hospital, Michael is finally well enough to head home where he will continue his rehabilitation. He's got a long road ahead of him, but he has come a long way since our first post about him some months ago. If anything, he's looking better than in earlier pictures we've seen of him.Keep up the great work Michael! And thanks to everyone who sent in the news!
간단 번역
병원에서의 긴 시간 끝에, 마이클이 집에서 재활치료를 할수 있을정도로 회복되었습니다. (2번째 문장은 해석 실패)
몇달전의 사진보다는 상태가 매우 보기 좋아진 모습입니다.
좀만 더 힘내 마이클! 이 뉴스를 보내주신 분에게 감사합니다!
정말 잘됬네요 잘됬어요. 정말 힘들었을텐데요.