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게시물ID : english_7627짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 떱떱2
추천 : 0
조회수 : 251회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2013/10/27 17:50:46
Marty Moyer had been the store manager of the Food
King supermarket in Rock Hill, South Carolina, for the
past three years. He had worked his way up from stockboy
to manager of this medium-sized facility. Because of his
success managing the Rock Hill facility, Moyer was promoted
to the store manager’s position at the large, flagship
Food King store in Columbia. This facility had just instituted
24-hours-per-day, 7-days-a-week hours in response
to competitive pressures.
After a month as manager at the Columbia store,
Moyer has become familiar with the local market characteristics,
store operations, and store personnel. His major
challenge for the future is to align the store with the new
competitive priorities established for the chain. An area he
has identified as a particular concern is the scheduling of
stockers and baggers. The cleanliness, availability, and service
time priorities put added pressure on Moyer to have
the appropriate number of stocking and bagging personnel
available. Maintaining a high level of cleanliness requires
more stocking personnel to keep the stock orderly on the shelves and the aisles clear and swept.
The availability
priority requires more frequent replenishment of shelvesbecause the greater selection of items means less space is
allocated to any one brand or item. Finally, the need for
fast service requires baggers to be available to assist the
cashier in serving customers quickly, especially during
peak shopping periods when long waits could occur if
cashiers had to bag and ring up the groceries.
굉장히 장문인데요..
저도 부탁을 받긴햇는데 지금 열심히 사전 찾아가며 보고 잇습니다만 생각보다 어렵네요.. 기초도 잘 안되있어서 시간이 무척걸리네요....
해석좀 같이 해주실분... ㅠㅠ 정중히 부탁드립니다 ㅠㅠ
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