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노르웨이는 어떤가?(영어,스압)
게시물ID : military_67350짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 이잉시러잉
추천 : 0
조회수 : 406회
댓글수 : 4개
등록시간 : 2017/03/17 18:50:20
  • 본인삭제금지

여러가지 영문기사를 짜집기했습니다. 토론할 때 근거가 될 수 있다고 생각해서 정리했습니다.
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너무 여자들 미워하지 말아주세요 .˚‧º·(´∩ω∩`)‧º·˚

1. 개요
For Norway, the issue of gender equality is nothing new. Besides boasting a parliament that is 40 percent female, Norway also requires 40 percent of board members in public companies to be women. As part of this promotion of gender equality, Norway parliament voted to draft women in 2013. It is the first European country to do so. Beginning this summer, women between the ages of 19 and 44 must complete 19 months of service in the military, just like the their male counterparts.


"Rights and duties should be the same for all," said Labor lawmaker Laila Gustavsen, a supporter of the bill. "The armed forces need access to the best resources, regardless of gender, and right now mostly men are recruited."

The new legislation follows the overall trend of Norwegian politics towards equality for all social groups. “Gender-neutral conscription has been discussed for quite a while in Norway and the legislation adopted in parliament this week is aimed at increasing the number of women in the Norwegian forces; this is based on two goals essentially”, Ms. Schjølset noted. “The first is to increase gender equality in the Norwegian forces, as Norway is focusing on maintaining equal rights and duties for men and women. Last year we celebrated the 100-year anniversary of women being granted the right to vote; men have the right to paternity leave and Norwegian public companies are required to reserve 40% of their workplaces for women. Actually, the Norwegian armed forces is one of the few places where formal inequality between men and women still exits. The second reason is operational effectiveness. In Afghanistan, our forces found out that women possess a better ability to handle conflicts, especially within societies where there is rampant gender inequality“.

3. 여성들의 반응
"Leadership is all about building healthy cultures, and to build healthy cultures you have to respect every single person, man and woman. And then there is a zero tolerance for harassment." COLONEL INGRID GJERDE - Military Academy and Officer Candidate School, Norway

"It is quite a radical approach. In many militaries around the world it is about just pouring women in and just stir and we know that won’t lead to greater capability, what it is about changing the structures and practices so both men and women can thrive. I think the way the Norwegians are heading and it is very interesting to watch what is happening." ELIZABETH BRODERICK Australian Sex Discrimination Commissioner

"It enables you to cut the umbilical cord. It's good that girls and boys get the same opportunities," says new conscript Marianne Westum.

"This is historic. For me it is fantastic to make history, for the armed forces and for women," Gustavsen said.

"The Scandinavian countries are very good at leading in gender equality, so it's no surprise that Norway should pioneer female conscription," says Joanne Mackowski, a researcher at the London military think tank RUSI, who specialises in gender issues. 

Prime Minister Erna Solberg paid a warm welcome to the brave female soldiers, saying the was actually glad she had lost the battle for universal conscription to Defense Minister and fellow Conservative Party member Ine Eriksen Søreide back in 2014.

"It's really quite logical, and it emphasizes that the defense is not just about physical challenges and testosterone. Defense is as much about wisdom and good solutions," Solberg told the Norwegian newspaper Verdens Gang. "If we only could get men to give birth, we would definitely be approaching something," she said jokingly.

"Actually, it's sheer madness that we have excluded half the population from important tasks in defense for so long. It will be very exciting to see when the first female conscripts get to proper action," Søreide said.


"It gives me a bigger recruitment pool to choose from," the battalion's chief, Lieutenant Colonel Pal Berglund, says of the new gender equal draft.

"I'm still looking for the same competence I always have. And for me it's obvious that this competence is also present within a large part of the female population of Norway."

In operations, it's an advantage having females. They have access to parts of the population that men don't have, for instance for intelligence gathering," says Lt-Col Berglund.

5. 인구상황?

The army needs less than 10,000 new recruits each year, far fewer than the 60,000 who are liable to be called up. That means that only the most motivated will actually be asked to serve, in a country where military service is often seen as a personal accomplishment highly valued on the job market.

That includes looking at how Norway is logistically handling the transformation. Bøe's staff is now sending conscription letters to all 63,000 Norwegian 17-year-olds, inviting them to complete an online questionnaire. Based on the results, the armed forces will invite 20,000 boys and girls for interviews as well as physical and psychological tests; of them, it will select 10,000 to train as soldiers. "It's all about competence," says Bøe. "By conscripting girls we get double the number of potential soldiers, so of course we get a better selection."

6.노르웨이의 여자 군인 롤 모델

 Norway already has plenty of experience with female fighters, having opened the armed forces to women volunteers 35 years ago. Major General Kristin Lund, who last year was appointed the United Nations' first-ever female peacekeeping commander, was one of the first women to enlist in 1980.


7. 동료 군인들의 반응
“Once the initial awkwardness had passed, we relaxed and the girls were soon just like us,” says a young male recruit, Kasper Sjavag.
“From a social aspect, the guys treat us well and they’re respectful. There are a few who aren’t used to being with girls but I think it’ll be fine.”
"In the beginning we were a little shy. We didn't really know how to behave around the girls. But once the initial awkwardness had passed, we relaxed and the girls were soon just like us," says young male recruit Kasper Sjavag.

8. 여군= 군사력 약화?

Some people have expressed concerns that mandating military service for physically weaker women may be problematic. However, Ms. Schjølset says that introducing Norway’s social standards to the army will not result in the deterioration of the quality of the military forces. “We are not talking about putting unqualified people, women or men, on the battlefield”, she says. “We’re talking about recruiting and training people so that they would be able to do what’s needed on the battlefield…we’re recruiting qualified women, and we’re recruiting qualified men“.

Modern warfare has nothing in common with sports, where men and women are separated into two different leagues, the expert continues to explain. “Skills are needed that sometimes aren’t associated with physical strength, and with the Norwegian forces we have the idea that we need to recruit people that can provide a wide variety of skills, a lot of which women have to offer”, Ms. Schjølset says.

9. 여군의 특수한 필요성

“In Afghanistan, one of our big challenges was that we would enter houses and not be able to speak to the women,” explained Captain Ole Vidar Krogsaeter, an officer with Norway’s Special Forces Operations. “In urban warfare, you have to be able to interact with women as well. Adding female soldiers was an operational need.”

10. 여성용 부대와 프로그램?


11. 성희롱?

Norway’s army isn’t entirely perfect, however. While a recent survey by the Norwegian Armed Forces (Forsvaret) showed an overwhelming majority of female soldiers were in favour of unisex dorms, 18 per cent said they had been subjected to inappropriate comments or behaviour.

(비교) 18.4%의 노르웨이 사람들이 직장에서 성희롱을 경험했다고 응답

(Nielsen, M. B., Bjørkelo, B., Notelaers, G., & Einarsen, S. (2010). Sexual harassment: Prevalence, outcomes and gender differences assessed by three different estimation methods. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma, 19(3), 252-274.)

출처 https://www.entitymag.com/4-countries-mandatory-military-service-men-women/
https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/norway/2016-02-08/norways-hunter-troop (유료기사)
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