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Slayer - God Hates Us All
게시물ID : music_67907짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 8비트
추천 : 0
조회수 : 316회
댓글수 : 0개
등록시간 : 2013/05/04 01:57:27

On your back look on to me
You'll see genocide
Face from death more than insane
Profane pleading cries
Watch you die inside watch you die

God send death end misery
Preach no love of ministry
Pray for sin a shattered faith
Down on your knees
Your screaming out to die

Death is over due
Nothing can save you
A morbid symphony
Hearing you lie there screaming
Taking life from you
Is all I wanna do
Desire so deranged
This is what lives inside me

Putrid blood flows through my veins
To thrive on demise
Voyeurs' lust watching the pain
Touching you inside
Bleed you fucking dry
Bleed on me

Death's design blood splattered wall
Face melting one vicious whore
Twisted figures flesh from bone
Down on your knees
Your screaming out
To die

Death is overdue
Nothing can save you
A morbid symphony
Hearing you lie there screaming
Taking life from you
Is all I wanna do
Desire so deranged
This is what lives inside me

Clawing at the eyes of god
You taste your death in hand
Your fingers bleed in vain
Your scream-in your grave
Clawing at the eyes of god
You pierce your throat and hands
You've gone insane with pain
Your blind screaming for your god
Pathetic god

Death's design blood splattered wall
Face melting one vicious whore
Twisted figures
Drown your mind in pain

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