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필리핀 선생님과의 나라 사랑 이야기
게시물ID : freeboard_729898짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 똘돌이아빠
추천 : 0
조회수 : 278회
댓글수 : 0개
등록시간 : 2013/11/27 10:01:56
오유 눈팅 중 필리핀 정치 상황에 대한 재밌는 풍자 그림을 보고,
마침 필리핀 여자 사람 선생님과 전화 영어를 하고 있어, 질문을 던졌습니다.
This figure is symbolizing the trickle-down effect as you know.
I want to know if this theory is advocated.
Because,in case of south korea, many politicians that eager to sell the nation Speak.and many journal dictate their comment.so lots of foolish people believe that.and that is vicious cicle.
Our country has a little global company like samsung. so, many people thougnt what is helpful to samsung is good for our country.
but, the history and many research showed that is not true.
and that is just used for justifying the neliberalism.
So,I want to hear the status or the tought of the public in the bottom position.

Filipino Politics.jpg

I'm sorry that the story is too serious and next time I 'll send brighter topic.
Bye. have a nice day.
답 변..
Thank you for sharing this topic to me.

In my opinions and insights. The Philippine government is not so good. Most politicians are currupt and they just make some promises but they didn't make it true.

Some Filipino's don't trust our government anymore.Some don't want to vote during election day because if you are going to ask them, their answer would be like this " All politicians are the same. The are corrupt". Ever since the Philippines is striving hard to overcome the poverty issue but its really difficult to make it. 

There was a big issue that were showed in the news before about the national budget of the Philippines.Its called "Pork barrel". In this budget it includes everything about taxes. It happens that some politicians use this budget in their own personal life. They live in a luxurious houses and buy lots of things to make themselves comfortable. This is why most of the Filipino's are suffering from poverty until now. We don't know on how are going to solve this matter because we don't know who are we going to trust.

Most of us are hopeless. We really want to change and have  good country. We want to rise up again in this situation. This is only my insight, but I believe that there will be some changes that will happen someday. A change that can make our country into a better one.

Hope you can understand my insights about our government. kkkkk.. This topic is kinda serious and takes a lot of time. kkk

Talk to you later^^

Thank you~
결 론..
일반화의 오류를 범하고 있을지는 모르겠으나,
부패한 국가에서 정치인들은 양비론을 들고 나와, 정치 혐오증을 불러일으키고 이를 통해 정치에 무관심한 대중들을 양산하는
전략을 구사하는 한다는 것입니다.
그리고, 필리핀 사람들이 희망을 잃어가고 있다는 사실이 너무 마음이 아프네요..저도 점점 지쳐가고 있고, 작금을 상황을 바라보고 있으면
대안없는 정치인들에 대한 희망을 잃어가고 있는데..이것이 그들이 노리고 있는 것이겠죠..
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