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게시물ID : freeboard_693663짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 으아아학
추천 : 0
조회수 : 436회
댓글수 : 7개
등록시간 : 2013/06/21 02:47:06

On the first day of its fiscal year, the Albany Symphony, a nonprofit organization, borrowed $500,000 on a ten-year mortgage to finance repairs to its rehearsal space. The loan carried an annual interest rate of 6% with annual, in-arrears, payments of $67,933.98.

a. What would the Symphony’s interest expense for the year be?

b. How much of the loan would be recorded as a current liability(short-term liability) on the day the loan was funded?

c. How much of the loan would be recorded as a long-term liability on the day the loan was funded?

회계년도 첫날 10년 모기지에 50만달러를 빌림. 연리6% 체납불은 67,933.$

a. 매년 지불해야할 이자비용은 얼마인가?

... 해석도이정도밖에...............허....

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