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이승열 - cynic (새 앨범 [V] 타이틀곡 뮤직비디오)
게시물ID : music_69512짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 습습후후
추천 : 2
조회수 : 359회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2013/06/01 12:33:38

tune it out when you cannot take it any more

let it go holding on to something always hurts

dick is in your hand but why you cannot say 

you cannot say

prick is in the strand put X’s for my Y’s 

lay me down

somewhere in the desert world I belong

somewhere in the desert world I belong

somewhere in the desert world I belong

somewhere in the desert world you belong

somewhere in the desert world we belong

somewhere in the desert world you belong

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