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중국의 거대한 피라미드
게시물ID : mystery_7237짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 스마일015
추천 : 4
조회수 : 15614회
댓글수 : 5개
등록시간 : 2016/01/07 17:59:06

The Great White Pyramid of China

Legend tells us that near the city of Xi’an, China, there lies a
 gigantic white pyramid – far larger than any Egyptian pyramid – that has remained undiscovered for millennia. The story goes that this pyramid is encased in “pure shimmering stone” and “capped with an enormous jewel”…

증국 시안에는 거대한 피라미드가 있다고 합니다. 이는 이집트의 것보다 훨신 큰 것입니다. 

구글 지도에서 내려다 볼 수 있습니다. 하우스돌프란 사람이 'white pyramid'란 제목으로 책을 내기도 했답니다. 

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Shangguan Huanghouling
Qindu, Xianyang, Shaanxi
Imagery ©2016 CNES / Astrium, DigitalGlobe
10 m 

Despite decades of denial by archaeologists and bureaucrats, the surprising truth of the matter is that whilst no white pyramid has so far been found here – there arepyramids in China!

Believed to be the burial places of various emperors and generals, there are loads1of these tombs scattered all over this plain. They range in size from relatively tiny to rivaling the Great pyramid of Giza in terms of footprint (although even the largest is only around one third the height of Giza’s largest).

Surprisingly, it took until 1994 before these monuments were widely publicised, when German author Hartwig Hausdorf published his book Die Weisse Pyramide, in which he told the story of trying to find the mysterious White Pyramid for himself.

There is a short Wikipedia page on the Chinese Pyramids, but for a really thorough examination of the myth surrounding these monuments, read the report at unexplainedearth.com which includes some ground level shots.

Thanks to Christoph Hoflack and Simon Brennan.

출처 http://googlesightseeing.com/2007/08/the-great-white-pyramid-of-china/
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