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10 first date rules for guys

By Susannah Breslin, The Frisky
February 23, 2010 -- 
Guys should act confident, smile and listen on a first date.
Guys should act confident, smile and listen on a first date.
  • 10 first date rules for guys include: Smile, ask questions and listen
  • Guys should act confident and use flattery appropriately
  • Take charge of date, deciding when and where and please pay
  • Watch your body language and no pawing on first date

(The Frisky) -- Ah, first dates. So nerve-wracking. If only you knew exactly what was going to happen, then you could plan out everything in advance. But first dates are kind of like playing the lottery. You've got to be in it to win it, but sometimes you end up empty-handed. If you're a woman, you know these sorts of situations don't always go so smoothly.

If you're a guy, here are 10 tips that can make the first date easier on all of us.

Take charge. We do not want to decide where to go. We will never tell you this, but it is true. Ask us what kind of place and/or food we like; then, pick a place like that. Do not leave it up to us to choose. You are the man. Act like one.

Smile. When we arrive, smile. Maybe you are a tough guy. Maybe you are nervous. Maybe you are paralyzed. Either way, smile. Women are strange, exotic, intuitive creatures, and we respond well to positive reinforcement. Do not glower.

The Frisky: Marry my poor boyfriend?

Mind your body language. If your legs are crossed and your hand is over your mouth, we will unconsciously think you are hiding something. If you are sprawled out all over with your legs spread wide and your hands behind your head, we will think you are a slob or generally loose. Sit up straight, lean in closer, and keep your hands where we can see them.

Ask questions. This seems obvious, but it's surprising how many men don't do this. You know what women like? Attention. Also, kittens, flowers, and cupcakes. Nothing else. If you seem curious about the woman sitting across from you, she will like it. For sure.

Listen. You can't just ask a bunch of questions, and then not listen to the answers. They call this a "date," but, really, for women, it's more like a "test." If you e-mailed or talked on the phone beforehand, remember what the hell she told you about herself. If you forget, we will feel angry and want to leave. Then you will be sorry.

Use flattery, appropriately. If at some point during our meeting, you tell us we are "beautiful," "attractive," or "pretty," we will like you better than if you didn't. It's. Just. That. Simple.

Act confident. We really do not care if you are secretly neurotic, deeply insecure, or mildly nuts. We are interested in how you portray yourself. Act confident, interested, engaged, self-assured, ambitious, and happy. We like that. Thanks.

The Frisky: Tired of waiting for men

No pawing allowed. If you're going to score with us at some point, we will let you know. Trust. Occasional physical contact is OK -- a hand to the small of the back, a touch of the thigh, a brief holding of the arm while making a point. Do not grab anywhere in the red light zones. If we want your hands there, we will put them there.

Please pay. Feminism, shmeminism. Take care of the bill without comment. That is what we want. Wave off any offer to go dutch. We lied. We don't want to pay half.

Say goodnight. Don't meander off into the night. Do something. What -- that is up to you: a handshake, a hug, a kiss. Do it right, and you might get a second date

The Frisky: 20 ways to feel more confident about your relationship

TM & ⓒ 2010 TMV, Inc. | All R0ights Reserve

cnn보다가 재밋는거 있어서 퍼왓어요.  

여기서 '우리'는 여자들을 말하는겁니다

니가  솔로이라면 이 열가지 팁들이 너의 데이트를 쉽게 만들거다.

1.계획을 가지고 와라
우리는 어디갈지 정하는거 싫어.우린 절대 그거에 대해 말 안할꺼야. 우리가 어디가고 싶은지 뭐 먹고 싶은지, 어디 좋아하는지. 우리에게 선택하게 하지마. 넌 남자잖아. 

2. 웃어라 
 우리가 도착했을때 웃어 . 너가 존나 멋진남자든, 찐따든, 존나 어수선하든지, 어쨋든 웃어라 여자는 낯설고, 익숙하지도 않고, intuitive creatures든지 우린 어색한 상황에 대해 보다 더 긍정적으로 받아들일께.처음만났을때 정색하지마!

3. 니 바디랭귀지를 신경써라
 너가 다리를 꼬고 있거나, 니 혼으로 니 입을 가린다면, 우린 너가 뭔가 숨기고 있다고 생각할거야. 또 니가 쩍벌남이 되거나, 손을 니 머리뒤에 놓는다면, 우린 너가 허세남이거나 병신이라고 생각할꺼야. 똑바로 앉아. 가까이 앉아. 손은 우리가 볼수 있는곳에 놔둬

4.질문좀 해줘.
이건 명백해. 근데 놀랍게도 얼마나 많은 남자놈들이 안하는지 아니? 여자가 뭘 좋아하는지 모르니? 집중해. 주방얘기, 꽃얘기, 컵케이크 그밖의 것들! 너가 나에대해 알고 싶은것처럼 앉는다면
그녀는 그걸 좋아할꺼야 .(이부분 잘 몰르겟다..;) 확실해.

5.내말좀 집중해줘
넌 나에게 질문할줄 모르고, 게다가 내 대답을 제대로 듣지도 않아. 니들은 데이트라고 부르겠지만 여자들에겐 Test야. 니들이 그녀를 만나기 전에 전화통화를 했거나 카톡을 했으면, 제발 '내가 나 자신에 대해 무슨 말을 했는지' 기억좀 해. 니가 그걸 잊어버렸잖아? 그럼 우린 열받을거고 만나고 싶은생각이 없어질꺼야. 그리고 넌 존나 미안해지겠지

6.아부,칭찬좀 해줘.
우리가 만나고 있을때, 너가 우리한테 '이뻐요, 매력적이에요, 아름다워요' 라는 말을 해줘.
그럼 우린 널 좀더 좋게 볼꺼야. 적어도 안하는것보단 나을껄?. 이건 너무 당연한거잖아

7. 자신감좀 가져
우린 진짜 니가 비밀이 있든, 심각한 찐따이든, 멍청이병신이든지 그런거 상관없어.
단지 우린 니가 어떻게 보이는지가 중요해. 자신감을 가져. 열정을 가지고, 미래관이 있고, 야망이 있어라. 그리고 행복해보여라! 우린 그런거 좋아해.

8. 주먹 꽉 쥐고 있지마.
너가 몇몇 부분에서 점수를 따고 싶다면. 우리가 알려줄께. 믿어봐. 일단 간간히 하는 신체적 접촉은 좋아. 등을 살짝 만진다던지, 허벅지를 만진다던지, 팔을 잡는다던지 등등...
하지만 절대 red right zones은 만지지마!!(가슴이나...밑부분). 만약 우리가 니 손이 그곳을 만져주길 원한다면, 우리가 직접 니손을 그곳에 가져다 줄께.

9.Please pay. 
Feminism, shmeminism. Take care of the bill without comment. That is what we want. Wave off any offer to go dutch. We lied. We don't want to pay half.

10. 굿나잇이라고 말해줘
Don't meander off into the night. 악수를 한다던지, 포옹을 하던지, 아니면 키스.
그런거 해줘. 그럼 넌 한번더 데이트를 할수 있을꺼야.

내가 직접 번역했어요.

영어 표현 틀린부분 잇으면 말해주세요..

-지나가던 공대생-

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