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게시물ID : english_7394짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : Vetology
추천 : 1
조회수 : 609회
댓글수 : 16개
등록시간 : 2013/09/10 16:13:10
다시 까일각오를 하고... 무섭지만...ㅋㅋㅋ

1,2번 단락은 둘다 찬성의 입장인데 1번 단락은  잘못쓴 거같아서 그냥 같이 올려요. 1번은 짜장면이 좋니 짬뽕이 좋니의 질문에서 
짬봉이 싫어서의 논리를 만든 것 같아서 1번단락을 다시 써서 올린 것이 2번이에요.. 그냥 전체 글에서 1번 단락은 없다고 생각하시면 됩니다.
먼저 미리 감사드려요!!

Some people believe that a college or university education should be available to all students.

Others believe that higher education should be available only to good students.

Discuss these views. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.

With modernized technology leading our society forward, the importance of raising students with special knowledge is more important than ever before. It is therefore the debate about how much broad availability of higher education for students is needed has been intensified in our community. Though, the debate seems to be far away from agreement, in my stand point, I am firmly supporting government should provide higher education with a certain number of students for reasons.

People say wide availability of education in university allows all students to survive in severely competitive circumstance in labor market. Since society has been undergone massive industrial landscape changes, employers keep seeking workers with new techniques. However, these brand-new skills are highly complicated and specialized. So, without well-fabricated lecturing system from universities and colleges, no student are likely to acquire necessary techniques and knowledges when they look for decent jobs to make their ends meet. In other words, broad availability of education to all students keep them sharpening in labor market.

[1.But the opponents, on this matter, argue that there is no need guaranteeing higher education for everyone. Keeping the availability of education wide consumes huge amount of governmental capital because this system requires a number of famous professors in various fields to teach everyone who just wants to learn.  Furthermore, our society consists of not only white-collar jobs but also simple blue-collar jobs like cashier, copier, waiter and etc. These vocations usually no need high level of education but simple level of lectures covered by high school system.]

2. But the opponents, on this matter, argue that there is no need guaranteeing higher education for everyone. Since, our society consists of not only white-collar jobs but also simple blue-collar jobs like cashier, counter, waiter and etc. These traditional vocations usually don't need high level of education but simple level of lectures covered by high school system. In addition to this, focusing our education system for a certain number of passionate students is much more efficient because professors and system could make the best quality of lectures by concentrating on some pupils

To conclude, it is true our society needs students with cutting-edge technologies in labor market. However, personally, it is not needed for government to keep wide availability of education for all students because  our modernized world still demands on blue-collar jobs. Furthermore, education system could make the best quality of it when the educational focus narrows down from everyone to good students. 
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