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페이팔 해킹관련해서 문의했었는데요
게시물ID : english_8400짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 공수래공수거
추천 : 0
조회수 : 1203회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2014/03/13 01:38:41
갑자기 메일을보니까
페이팔에서 갑자기 25달러랑 50달러가 페이스북아일랜드란곳에서 결제왔다는메일이뜨네요.
어차피 평소에쓰지도않던거 해킹인가하고 환불받고 아이디삭제하려고 생각하면서 메일로 해킹인거같다고 환불해달라고 문의했는데요,

A) Can I cancel a completed payment? 

You cannot cancel a completed payment but you can contact the seller and ask for a refund. We recommend that you do this within 60 days of the transaction to help ensure you get a full refund. 
To find the contact details for a seller:
  1. Log in to your PayPal Account.
  2. Click History near the top of the page.
  3. Click Details next to the transaction you would like refunded.
You’ll see the seller’s name, email, and customer service phone number, if available. 
If your seller doesn’t know how to issue a refund, here’s how it works:
  1. Click My Account and click History near the top of the page.
  2. Find the payment and click Details.
  3. Click Issue refund.
  4. Enter the refund amount and click Continue.
  5. Confirm the details and click Issue Refund.
B) How do I issue a refund? 

You can issue a full refund or partial refund up to 60 days after you receive a payment. 
Here’s how to refund a payment:
  1. Log in to your PayPal Account.
  2. Click History near the top of the page.
  3. Click Details next to the payment you want to refund.
  4. Click Issue refund.
  5. For Refund amount, enter the amount to you want to refund, then click Continue.
  6. Review the information, then click Issue Refund.
C) How is my refund credited? 
D) Why is my refund pending? 
이렇게만오는데 결제내역에 이슈환불이라는게 아무리찾아도 없어서 계속 문의메일보내도
매크로라도쓰는지 계속 똑같은 이내용만 그대로 보내주길래 짜증나서 계속 찾아본다음에 결국 직접
View Billing Agreement Details 에 들어가서 

Billing Details

에서 캔슬을 눌러서 캔슬이라고떴는데요,
캔슬을 누른다음에

This email confirms that you have cancelled your billing agreement with Facebook Ireland, Ltd.. No further payments will be made from your PayPal account to this merchant. If you have any further questions about the agreement, or wish to reinstate it, please contact Facebook Ireland, Ltd. directly.


Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and click the Help link in the top right corner of any PayPal page.

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Consumer advisory- PayPal Pte. Ltd., the holder of PayPal’s stored value
facility, does not require the approval of the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
Users are advised to read the terms and conditions carefully.

PPID PP517 - f5e1209f4dbbb 

라고 메일이왔는데요, 그게 결제가 취소되서 결국 잔금을 지불할필요가없는건지 환불된건지 몰라서 어떻게된거냐고 문의메일보냈는데 또 저 위에내용이 그대로오네요.
이놈들은 뭐 고객상대할 마음이없는건지..
어쨌든 이거 결제취소 완료되서 제가 돈낼필요가 없는걸까요? 

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