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게시물ID : english_8419짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : qqwr
추천 : 0
조회수 : 429회
댓글수 : 0개
등록시간 : 2014/03/15 18:48:43
conversation is only possible when men's minds are free from pressing anxieties
their lives must be reasonably secure and they must have no grave concern about their souls.
they attach importance to the refinements of civilization
A good style should show no sign of effort. I think no one in France now writes more admirably than Colette, and such is the ease of her expression that you cannot bring yourself to belive that she takes any trouble over it
It has been an advantage to American writers, many of whom at one time or another have been reporters, that their journalism has written in a more trenchant, nervous, graphic English than ours.
I heartily wish that in my youth I had had someone of good sense to direct my reading. I sigh when I reflect on the amount of time I have wasted on book that were of no great profit to me.
There is no more merit in having read a thousand books than having ploughed a thousand fields. There is no more merit in being able to atach a correct deion to a picture than in being able to find out what is wrong with a stalled motor-car.
Presently I was qualified, I had already published a novel and it had had an unexpected success. I thought my fortune was made, and abandoning medicine to become a writer. i went to Spain.
The first novel I wrote was called Liza of Lambath. It was accepted by the first publisher to whom I sent it. For some time Fisher Unwin had been bringing out in what he called The Pseudonym Series a number of short novels which had attracted a good deal of attention.
I wrote one of these books because I had to have enough money to carry me on for the following year: the other because I was at the time much taken with a young person of extravagant tastes, and the gratification of my desires was frustrated by the attentions of more opulent admirers.
It was fortunate for me that I suddenly achieved popularity as a dramatist and so was relieved of the necessity of writing a novel once a year to earn my living. I found plays easy to write: the notoriety they brought me was not unpleasing.
For myself I can say that, having had every good thing that money can buy, an experience like another, I could part without a pang with every possession I have.
We live uncertain times and our all may yet be taken from us.
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