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확률에 대해서 궁금한게 있는데요,
게시물ID : science_33387짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 김숭융
추천 : 0
조회수 : 294회
댓글수 : 3개
등록시간 : 2014/03/25 16:14:46
It is known that 0.001% of the general population has a certain type of cancer. A patient visits a doctor complaining of symptoms that might indicate the presence of this cancer. The doctor performs a blood test that will confirm the cancer with a probability of 0.99 if the patient does indeed have cancer. However, the test also produces false positives or says a person has cancer when he does not. This occurs with a probability of 0.2. If the test comes back positive, what is the probability that the person has cancer?
만약 테스트를 해서 양성이 나왓다면, 그사람이 정말 암일 확률은 몇퍼센트 인가?
값이 0.000002~~ 이렇게 엄청 낮게 나오는데...
저럴수가 있는건가요??
양성이 나왓는데...;; 문제 이해가 잘안되요..;
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