i feel like zerg are simply balanced among the other races now. before, zerg players simply had to macro/micro harder then the other races and were extremely vulnerable to rushes. now that they are pretty balanced, many players are finding that a-moving isn't working as well as it used to. (i'm gold and gonna rank up to plat soon) and i watch replays of mine even against plat terran and toss and yes they do simply a-move very often. zerg don't look op in mlg matches as everybody knows how to micro/macro at that level. also many zerg players are also becoming more familiar with the mechanics of the race now, using ovi drops, worms, infestors, etc.
the answer is simple: many players were just using their races wrongly in the first place. TvZ for terran is about establishing a contain. once this happens it's pretty hard as zerg to not gg. toss palyers need FF and storms in addition to thermal lance upgrade