1. Despite a day having passed, no actual rescue attemptswere made. On the 17th, the Headquarters reported that the rescue team hadsucceeded in entering the ship, however this later proved to be false. Due tosimilar repeated incidences, families of the missing lost trust in theEmergency Headquarters. Twodays had passed yet the Headquarters still did not know either the exact numberof the missing nor the numbers of those still on-board the ship. The policestated that they had saved 169 people, but had not reported this for ten hours. The Headquarters conducted thesame rescue plans repeatedly, with none of them having much success. What iseven more despicable is that politicians have been visiting Jindo just to havetheir photos taken in the situation in order to win votes in the upcomingelections in June.
2. On April 18th, at 11:23, the Headquartersannounced that the rescue team had succeeded in entering the ship's diningroom. An hour later, they reversed their original statement. Later that day, at13:55, KBS reported a certain rescue team's success, while another media sourcedenied this and reported the team’s failureinstead. An 15:30, the Headquarter announced failure. On the 17th, at 12:30,the Headquarters announced that they had begun pumping oxygen into the ship.However, they changed this story and soon they reported that instead they werewaiting for the necessary equipment due to arrive by 17:00. The constantreleasing of false reports and contradictory information is due to the lack ofcommunication between the Ministry of Marine Affairs and the Ministry of Securityand Public Administration.
3. The Headquarters are telling the familiesthat they will start the salvage operation at least tomorrow. The operation issaid to take at least a month. If it starts, that means any survivors stillaboard will die. Stating that they will start the operation only means thatthey are treating the children’slives as expendable. It is worth reminding that seventeen of the thirty sailorswere saved while the captain actually abandoned the ship very early on duringthe rescue operations.
P.S.- 여러 부분을 조금씩 많이 고쳐서 바뀐 부분을 표시해 드리지 못했어요.
P.S. 메일 주소 부분은 삭제 하였습니다. (14/7/9)