게시판 즐겨찾기
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즐겨찾기 아이콘 위치 수정이 가능합니다.
해석좀 도와주실수 있으신가요??
게시물ID : english_8762짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 머리빅
추천 : 0
조회수 : 380회
댓글수 : 3개
등록시간 : 2014/05/12 22:44:45
Hello Jeonggu,
We have set up your tour for the Deluxe Grand Canyon South Air/Ground tour.
However, I noticed that you are not one of the passengers going on this tour.
Are you still going to be present for payment?
If not, in order to secure payment will be made on the day of your tour, we will need either a signed Credit Card Authorization from you which we can email, or each passenger will need to pay the amount of $280.00 cash (the total per person with fuel surcharge included).
Please let us know what you choose to do.
Phil Reservations
제가 그랜드 캐니언 투어를 친구하고 같이 총 저까지포함 3명이서 가는데 그걸 제 아빠카드로 결제를 했는데 저렇게 이메일이 왔는데  if not 부터
surcharge included 까지가 해석이 안되요 ㅜ 좀 해주실수 있으신가요??
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