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(브금)롤 관련 영어 노래인데 해석 부탁 좀 드려도 될까요?
게시물ID : lol_491965짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 꾸워어엉
추천 : 2
조회수 : 778회
댓글수 : 9개
등록시간 : 2014/05/18 14:12:57

BGM정보: http://heartbrea.kr/4373432
 노래는 maroon5의 payphone 을 개사한거라고 합니다.
 근데 노래부르시는 분이 참 잘부르셔서 그냥 듣기도 참 좋네요
 그림 간단하게 그려서 노래랑 매치시켜보려고 하는데 가사 뜻을 잘 모르겠는 부분이 많아서요...
 오유엔 능력자분들이 계실 거 같아 글 올려봐요. 부탁합니다!
I'm back at home base Trying to save face
All of my gold I spent on you
I waited too long,
All of the wards gone
Team doesn't seem to think I'll come through

Yeah I, I know its hard CS when Their Blitz is camping the bush
I'm trying hard to harrass them
So we can finally push
And our whole team tries to blame me
When all I've done yet is try
And how the hell is it my fault Top and mid turrets are down?!

I've hit all my stuns
So don't fucking run
How can we engage With Hec AFK
I can not afford All these fucking wards
Not my fault you died

I'm back at home base Trying to save face
All of my gold I spent on you
Our ults are all down
What should we do now
Damnit I think they just stole our blue

I'm starting to get really fucking pissed
How can we win, it's 12 to 36
Expecting me to carry them through this?!
Even though I only have 5 assists

They got an ace back at dragon
And now the team's blaming me
But I don't think a support can Take down a fed ADC
It isn't my job to focus
I tried to keep you alive
But its a tough job to do when Lee Sin goes in 2v5

I pinged MIAs
You fed mid for days
We didn't feed bot
Too bad they caught up
And by the way thanks For all the sick ganks
Excuses aside

I'm back at home base Trying to save face
All of my gold I spent on you
Picked up my Locket, ready to pop it
Not sure why Lee Sin's building one too

I am 50 Shades of Done with this
Why didn't I just play on the Abyss
I wanna just surrender,
I am through Being queued up with dumb asses like you Respawning at home base...

(No no no no no)

Oh my god don't split up
We need to stick together and team push
MF I'm begging you just please don't go
They're getting baron now I hope you know

I'm back at home base Trying to save face
All of my gold I spent on you
Gotta get Homeguard cuz of you retards
Funny, look who's calling who a noob

Reporting everybody after this
I mean who the fuck plays Darius mid And thinks somehow its my fault for this shit
I hate supporting randoms, this is it
Why can't we surrender...
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