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Road bike party 주인공 반신불수 후 복귀
게시물ID : bicycle2_21071짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : sjinwsu
추천 : 1
조회수 : 718회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2014/05/21 04:00:42
로드 타고 BMX로나 할 법한 묘기들을 선보인 road bike party라는 동영상 기억 하세요? 자게에도 몇번인가 올라왔었는데..
아래는 순서대로 road bike party, 후속편, 그리고 후속편 비하인드 스토리 유툽 주솝니다.


후속편 비하인드 스토리를 보면 후속편을 찍을 당시 동영상의 주인공이었던 마틴(Martyn)이 trial bike 공연도중 사고를 당해서
목 밑으로 마비가 왔고, 동료 두 명이 영상을 완성시켜 줬다고 합니다.
마틴 에쉬턴, 제가 정말 좋아하는 선수라 소식 접하고 많이 안타까웠었는데 다행이도 상반신은 회복이 되었고 
손으로 타는 자전거로 다시 돌아왔다네요. 40의 나이에도 시들지 않는 열정과 불굴의 정신에 아낌없는 찬사를 보냅니다.
아래는 복귀 기사 전문입니다.

Paralysed trials rider Martyn Ashton back on a (hand)bike

Video superstar disabled in stunt gone wrong four months ago is eager to get back into sport

by Sarah Barth   January 25, 2014  


Martyn, 39, fell off a 3m platform while attempting a stunt during a trials demo at the Moto GP at Silverstone in September.
Martyn Aston, the stunt rider who was paralysed from the waist down after he broke his back is back on a bicycle - just four months after his life-changing accident.

After weeks in hospital followed by intensive physiotherapy, he has managed to begin handcycling with an adapted bicycle at Newport Velodrome.

He told the BBC of his recollection of the accident.

"I landed and I felt the shock go through my body and I think immediately I knew it was very bad," he said.

"Because I knew it was serious I took a moment to speak to my son so that he knew Dad was alert and fine."

"I spent about an hour telling myself it would be ok.”

"And then I had a really great moment once I got into the MRI scan, and in there that's where I believed myself.

"After that I thought, well let's get on with it then, it's changed, deal with it."

Martyn was already famous for his video Road Bike Party - where he took Sir Bradley Wiggins’ bike for a spin - or at least a Pinarello Dogma very like Sir Brad’s bike - and demonstrated that in the right hands a skinny-tyred bike was every bit as capable of being jumped, hopped and backflipped as a trials bike or mountain bike.

For the sequel Road Bike Party 2, Martyn enlisted a couple of good friends - Chris Akrigg and Danny MacAskill - to help with stunt duties while he dealt with his injuries.

But not content to sit on the sidelines of his sport, he said: "I made a bit of a pest of myself, emailed and phoned as many people in disability sports as I could in Disability Sport Wales and they've been really supportive.”

Having tried wheelchair-based tennis and basketball, it was a revelation to take to the velodrome.

"It was awesome but really hard", he said.

"I'm not used to having power in my arms, but it was brilliant."

Neil Smith, from Disability Sport Wales, said Ashton will need time to work out if he is ready for top class racing.

"I think he was nervous to begin with - he was only just out of hospital," he said.

"But once he'd got in it and did a few laps in it, it was like 'oh, this is not as hard as it looks'.

"It built his confidence."

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