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제가 영어로쓴 동짓날에 대한 짧은 글 소개.. 평가좀 부탁드려요 ㅎㅎ
게시물ID : english_8132짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 이상한세상
추천 : 0
조회수 : 873회
댓글수 : 7개
등록시간 : 2014/01/22 01:32:12
Let me introduce korea selebration day.
i believe you all know about halloween day.
there exists special day in south korea smiliar to halloween day.
it is called Dongji on December 21st acorrding to the lunar calendar. this day is the longest night of the year. other country people call this day winter solstice.
easten asia suas as korea, china and japan believe yin and yang. yin is lunar energy, and yang is solor energy. so dongji is the day that the lunar energy become the strongest.
people think ghost likes lunar energy so ghost is more active than other days. people want to block up ghost entering into their house.
there are two things protecting people from ghost. one is special food called patjuk. english name is red bean soup. another is a charm.
people believe if they eat red bean soup, they would be healthy. and they spread it on the main door. which means it could stop ghost invading their home. and people stick a charm on the wall especailly near the door. it means same as privious thing.
people give the next new year calendar to other people. it originates from ancient people that believe the sun dies and revives again this day so new day starts from this day.
이거 적는데 1시간은 걸린거 같네요 ㅋㅋ 혹시 틀린 부분 있다면 지적좀.. 한글문장으로는 맞는데 영어문장이나 흐름으로서는 어색하다면 그것도 지적해주세요. 영어공부 되게 힘드네요 ㅋㅋ
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