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빈 칸 채우기 문제
게시물ID : english_9026짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 아점형인간
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조회수 : 437회
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등록시간 : 2014/06/18 15:14:34
덥고 짜증 나는 오후네요. 머리도 식힐 겸, 가벼운 칸 채우기 문제 퍼왔습니다.

제시된 12 단어로 빈 칸을 채우시면 됩니다.

절반 간신히 맞은 건 안자랑, Stratford-Upon-Avon  에 가본 건 자랑.

left   died   drew   acquired   spent   disengaged   signed   succeeded   became   began   offered   married 

William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616) is considered by many critics to be the greatest dramatist of all time and his plays have warranted translation and performances in diverse cultures far removed from early modern England. Sadly what we know of his life-story continues to remain meagre and that we do know of him is ironically undramatic.
The date of Shakespeare's birth is not exactly known, but, traditionally, April 23 1564, St George's Day, has been accepted as his birthday, and a house on Henley Street in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England, is generally accepted as his birth place.
He probably ①__________ his education at the age of six or seven at the Stratford grammar school, which is still standing only a short distance from his house on Henley Street and is today in the care of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust.
In November 1582 Shakespeare ②__________ Anne Hathaway. Their first-born child, Susanna, was baptised on 26 May 1583. Two years later the twins, Hamnet and Judith, followed.
It is not known when or why Shakespeare left Stratford for London, or what he was doing before he ③__________ a professional actor and dramatist in the capital, but by 1588 he is thought to have started writing plays there and that he soon became a respected player with influential friends and connections.
From 1594 Shakespeare ④__________ his acting career with the Lord Chamberlain's Company, which was renamed the King's Company in 1603 when King James ⑤__________ to the throne. Among the actors in the group was the famous Richard Burbage. The group ⑥__________ interests in two theatres in the Southwark area of London, near the banks of the Thames - the Globe and Blackfriars.
Shakespeare’s plays fall into the categories of history, tragedy, comedy and tragicomedy. He ⑦__________ on contemporary historical sources so that his work- especially the history plays - represent a type of celebratory Tudor propaganda. The writing of the plays also ⑧__________ complex portrayals of a world in transformation, for example with the discovery of the New World which is represented in the final play The Tempest.
From around 1611 Shakespeare ⑨__________ himself from the London theatre world to spend his time at his Stratford house, New Place. In March 1616 he ⑩__________ his will, in which he ⑪__________ substantial property and other bequests to his family and friends, including theatre colleagues in the King's Men.
Shakespeare ⑫__________ in Stratford, aged fifty-two, on 23 April 1616, and was buried in Holy Trinity Church two days later. Within a short time a monument to him was put up, probably by his family and friends. His first collected edition of Shakespeare's works was published posthumously in 1623 and is known as the First Folio.

  --< www.talk-and-learn.com 펌>

meagre : 빈약한

baptise : 세례를 주다

substantial property : 상당한 재산

bequest : 유산

posthumously : 유작으로

①began ②married ③became ④spent ⑤succedded ⑥acquired ⑦drew ⑧offered ⑨disengaged ⑩signed ⑪left ⑫died
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