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북한의 태양소년 홍일동
게시물ID : humordata_1551318짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 니이모를찾아서
추천 : 3
조회수 : 1658회
댓글수 : 0개
등록시간 : 2014/07/20 14:42:47

올해 초 기사라서 뒷북 내지는 아마 아시는 분도 계실 듯.


THE STATE News Agency of North Korea has confirmed today that the country has become the first in the world to ever land a man on the sun.

It reported that astronaut Hung Il Gong left for the sun on a specially designed rocket ship at approximately 3am this morning.

Hung, who traveled alone, reached his destination some four hours later, landing his craft on the far side of the lonely star.

“We are very delighted to announce a successful mission to put a man on the sun.” a North Korean central news anchor man said on a live broadcast earlier. “North Korea has beaten every other country in the world to the sun. Hung Il Gong is a hero and deserves a hero’s welcome when he returns home later this evening.”

The specially trained astronaut is expected to return back to earth at 9pm tonight, where he will meet his uncle and supreme leader Kim Jong-un.

It is understood that the 17-year-old ‘space explorer’ traveled at night to avoid being engulfed by the suns rays, and that this genius approach has brought the soviet state to the top of the global space rankings.

While on the sun, Mr. Hung collected sun spot samples to bring back to his supreme leader as a present.

The 18 hour mission is already being called the ‘greatest human achievement of our time’ by the North Korean central news agency.

내용을 요약하면, 북한의 17세 청년 홍일동씨가 혼자서 특수 제작된 우주선을 타고 인류 최초로 태양에 착륙했으며

태양에 도달하기까지는 총 4시간이 걸렸다고 조선티비가 보도했다고 합니다.

흑점의 샘플을 가져왔다고 하는데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

호주 친구들이 이 기사를 보여주는데... 디데일함에 결국 배잡았습니다. ㅋㅋㅋ

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