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호날두 빡친이유.avi
게시물ID : soccer_86835짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 볼리베어ψ
추천 : 11
조회수 : 1530회
댓글수 : 10개
등록시간 : 2013/11/01 18:33:07

1:50초 부터

They are both exceptional players but are totally different," 

“Football is about the difference between stars. Lionel Messi is a good boy that every father, every mother would like to have at home.

“He is very quick, he is not exuberant, he plays well, he is a good boy. That is what makes him so popular, because he is this nice man and that is why he gets votes.

“The other one [Ronaldo], he is something else, he is like a commander on the field of play. This is the other side of football and it is good to have such commanders on the field also. That gives life to football.

“One has more expenses for the hairdresser than the other, but that doesn’t matter.

“I cannot say who is the best, there will be a contest this year and then January next year it will be announced. I like both of them, but I prefer Messi.”

메시짱, 메시 착한애,그래서 표도 많이 받음

호날두는 다름. (우스꽝스럽게 호날두 흉내 냄) 

걘 커맨더(지휘관, 사령관 이런뜻인데 독재자? 독불장군? 이런 느낌으로 말한듯)임. 

머리하는데나 돈 많이 씀.

난 누가 최고인지 말못함. 1월에 피파발롱도르 발표날거임. 난 메시가 좋음. 



이걸본 호날두 반응


호날두, "무병장수하세요" 블래터 회장에 발끈…왜?



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