South Korean President Park Geun-hye presides over a meeting with senior secretaries at the Cheong Wa Dae presidential office in Seoul, South Korea, April 21, 2014. Park called for stern punishment of those responsible for the sinking of the Sewol ferry.
Associated Press
On Monday, South Korean President Park Geun-hye declared that the actions of the captain and crew of the fated ferry Sewol were “tantamount to murder.”
The statement appeared to tap into national outrage over TV footage showing the captain, Lee Jun-seok, being among the first to escape the ship as it capsized.
Mr. Lee and the two other members in charge of the ship at the time it went down have been arrested on charges of abandoning the ship in violation of the seafarers’ law, which stipulates they must help passengers leave a wrecked ship safely.
They are also accused of not making efforts to safely evacuate passengers and eventually causing their death. On Monday, a further four crew members were detained by police.
Mr. Lee appeared briefly before the news media after his arrest but didn’t offer a reason for why he left the ship before coordinating the evacuation of passengers. He did say he didn’t order an immediate evacuation because of concerns about whether passengers would survive in the cold water and strong currents.
The other crew members have not made public statements about why they left the ship before all the passengers.
It isn’t clear yet whether the crew members will face formal criminal charges or what the penalties would be if they are found guilty.
Lee Joon-seok, second to the right, captain of the sunken South Korean ferry Sewol, arrives at the headquarters of a joint investigation team of prosecutors and police in Mokpo April 19, 2014.
Getty Images
Ms. Park faced some online criticism for deflecting attention away from the government’s handling of the crisis, but also appeared to reflect public sentiment against the captain and crew.
“Are you making a fire of anger burn harder? Has the government done a good job? It was the captain that caused the accident, but the government’s handling was immature,” wrote Twitter user @hee1025w.
“Of course the almighty President Park will hold related parties responsible regardless of their positions… The captain’s action was tantamount to murder,” said @mygod1472.
But some foreign Korea-watchers also questioned whether Ms. Park’s statements may prejudice any criminal proceedings against the crew that follow the investigation. She also said that the actions of the captain and crew were “utterly unimaginable, legally and ethically.”
“Bad decision on her part. How can the accused get a fair day in court, and they will be in court, when the POTROK (President of the Republic of Korea) says that,” wrote Seoul-based analyst Daniel Pinkston on Twitter.
“Surely v wrong of prez Park to pre-empt justice by declaring Sewol crew guilty of murder. Fears for June 4 (gubernatorial) elections?” commented Korea expert Aidan Foster-Carter.
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[진도 여객선 침몰] WSJ, 朴대통령 "승무원 살인" 발언에.."그런 말 할 자격 있나?"

국민일보|입력2014.04.22 11:33
[쿠키 정치] '박근혜 대통령이 (세월호) 승무원들을 비난할 자격이 있나(Was Park right condemn ferry crew?)'

월스트리트저널(WSJ)이 22일(한국시간) 박근혜 대통령에 대해 비판적인 보도를 실었다. 전남 진도 세월호 침몰사고에서 승객들을 외면하고 탈출한 승무원들에 대해 "살인"을 운운한 것이 국가 수장으로서 부적절했다는 취지다.

WSJ는 이날 온라인판에서 박 대통령이 전날 수석비서관회의에서 "세월호 승무원들의 행위는 살인과도 같다"고 한 발언을 상세히 전한 뒤 이에 반발하는 국내 인터넷 반응을 소개했다.

WSJ는 "(이 선장을 제외한) 다른 승무원들은 자신들이 먼저 탈출한 이유에 대해 아직 공식적으로 밝히지 않았고, 이들이 최종적으로 유죄 판결을 받게 될지 유죄가 된다면 어떤 처벌을 받게 될지 모르는 상태"라면서 "박 대통령은 (승무원들의 잘못을 내세워) 참사에 대한 정부의 책임을 회피하려 한다는 일부 네티즌들의 비난을 받고 있다"고 분석했다.

이어 WSJ는 "불난 집에 부채질 하나. 사고를 일으킨 건 선장이지만 정부의 대응은 미숙했다(@he******)"이라는 트위터 멘션을 인용했다.

WSJ는 "한국에는 조사가 진행되고 있는 상황에서 대통령이 이런 발언을 하는 것에 대해 물음표를 던지는 여론이 있다"고 말했다.

서울에 거주 중인 증권분석가 다니엘 핑크스톤은 "박 대통령이 나쁜 결정을 했다"며 "이제 승무원들이 피고로 법정에 서면 공정한 재판을 받을 수 있을까"라고 반문했다.

한반도 전문가인 아이단 포스터 카터(영국 리즈대학) 박사는 "세월호 침몰사고가 6·4 지방선거에 미칠 영향을 두려워한 것 아니겠느냐"라고 말했다.

WSJ는 기사와 함께 "박 대통령이 세월호 선장과 승무원들에 대해 '살인과도 같다'고 말할 자격이 있다고 보는가"라는 설문조사를 열었다.

여기서는 22일 오후 11시 현재 377명(81.3%)이 '아니요', 87명(18.7%)이 '예'라고 대답했다.

국민일보 쿠키뉴스 김현섭 기자 [email protected]