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Pramore - Last Hope (LIVE)
게시물ID : music_98836짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 문학파
추천 : 2
조회수 : 242회
댓글수 : 0개
등록시간 : 2014/09/17 11:58:41
2주전에 뜬 따끈따끈 영상 (모바일 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoYu7K6Ywkg)
음질과 화질이 상당하네요
I don't even know myself at all
I thought I would be happy by now
The more I try to push it
I realise – gotta let go of control

Gotta let it happen
Gotta let it happen
Gotta let it happen
Just let it happen

It's just a spark
But it's enough to keep me going
And when it's dark out, no one's around
It keeps glowing

Every night I try my best to dream
Tomorrow makes it better
Then I wake up to the cold reality
And not a thing has changed

But it will happen
Gotta let it happen
Gotta let it happen
Gotta let it happen

It's just a spark
But it's enough to keep me going
And when it's dark out, no one's around
It keeps glowing

It's just a spark
But it's enough to keep me going
And when it's dark out, no one's around
It keeps glowing

And the salt in my wounds isn't burning anymore than it used to
It's not that I don't feel the pain, it's just I'm not afraid of hurting anymore
And the blood in these veins isn't pumping any less than it ever has
And that's the hope I have, the only thing I know that's keeping me alive


Gotta let it happen
Gotta let it happen
Gotta let it happen
Gotta let it happen

Gotta let it happen
Gotta let it happen
Gotta let it happen
Gotta let it happen

It's just a spark
But it's enough to keep me going
(So if I let go of control now, I can be strong)
And when it's dark out, no one's around
It keeps glowing

It's just a spark
But it's enough to keep me going
(So if I keep my eyes closed, with nobody home)
And when it's dark out, no one's around
It keeps glowing


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