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Daughtry - One Last Chance
게시물ID : music_88078짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 언제나늘항상
추천 : 7
조회수 : 2008회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2014/03/05 18:35:57
- One Last chance -
Tell me what you need and I will find a way to stop the bleeding
No, don't add to my mistakes.
Tell me you're not leaving and I'll tell you everything you need to know.
Don't throw it all away,
don't say my words are just too late

I don't want to be left behind, I've been so blind to all that I have broken.
Can we put this back together
No more empty promises, they don't exist; just me out in the open.
I know this will take time, can you give me one last chance to make it right

You say the story's ending but I think it's time we stop pretending
No, can't let you turn the page
Does your heart remember when we used to say forever, don't let go
Don't throw it all away don't say these words are just too late

I don't want to be left behind, I've been so blind to all that I have broken.
Can we put this back together
No more empty promises, they don't exist; just me out in the open.
I know this will take time, can we put the past behind us,
Tonight I'm gonna fight for you; just give me one last chance to make it right,
Last chance to make it right

I don't want to be left behind, I've been so blind to all that I have broken.
Can we put this back together
No more empty promises, they don't exist; just me out in the open.
I know this will take time, can you give me one last chance to make it right

Give me one last chance to make it right
A last chance to make it right
A last chance to make it right
No more empty promises, they don't exist; just me out in the open.
I know this will take time, can you give me one last chance to make it right
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