There’s an old saying, “the fear of loss is greater than the desire for gain”. It’s true. If you paint vivid mental imagery in people’s minds about the physical, emotional and spiritual satisfactions they will enjoy as a result of owning your product or service, NOT buying can be made to feel like a terrible loss.
(만약 사람들의 ~~~한 심리를 생생한 이미지로 그려본다면, 구매하는 것으로는 크나큰 손실과 같은 느낌을 나타낼 수 없을 것이다.???)
People buy from people. People they know, like, and trust. And to feel we know someone is to know their story, particularlyif it demonstrates how they overcame a problem we too are desperate to solve.
(그리고 우리가, 누군가 그들의 스토리를 알게될 것이라는 사실을 알고 있다고 느끼기 위해???)
When you tell your story skillfully, your prospect projects into your shoes. He wants you to win, because when you win he can see himself winning too.
(project into your shoes라는 표현지 추측이 안갑니다. 온갖 가전 다찾아봐도 나오질 않네요..)
/*원문 : */